Firing blanks?

The rescue of Jessica Lynch is making the rounds again, only this time with more details — according to one of the doctors at the hospital, the troops entering the hospital were firing blanks.

The doctors told us that the day before the special forces swooped on the hospital the Iraqi military had fled. Hassam Hamoud, a waiter at a local restaurant, said he saw the American advance party land in the town. He said the team’s Arabic interpreter asked him where the hospital was. “He asked: ‘Are there any Fedayeen over there?’ and I said, ‘No’.” All the same, the next day “America’s finest warriors” descended on the building.

“We heard the noise of helicopters,” says Dr Anmar Uday. He says that they must have known there would be no resistance. \”We were surprised. Why do this? There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital.

“It was like a Hollywood film. They cried, ‘Go, go, go’, with guns and blanks and the sound of explosions. They made a show – an action movie like Sylvester Stallone or Jackie Chan, with jumping and shouting, breaking down doors.” All the time with the camera rolling.

Admittedly, this is one man’s unconfirmed word — but given that real bullets would leave holes that blanks wouldn’t, the claim could be disproved easily enough that I’m not sure he’d make it up. We’ll probably never know for sure, though.

(via Tom Tomorrow)

NORAD? Um, nope!

There’s a very interesting site that I found via Atrios that, among other things, has a very comprehensive look at the events of Sept. 11^th^ in this timeline. They seem to have done a good job of piecing together the various news reports about the events of that day, comparing them and questioning the many inconsistencies that exist.

NORAD? I don't think so...

From there, I started browsing through the rest of the source site, the Center for Cooperative Research. Looking at another page on the site, a more straightforward timeline of Sept. 11^th^, imagine my surprise when I saw a picture captioned ‘NORAD’s war room in Cheyenne, Wyoming,’ that, rather than being a picture of the Norad control room, is actually a screen shot from the 1983 adventure/suspense film Wargames!

As important as I think it is that we continue to investigate the events of Sept. 11^th^, and the events surrounding it, when a site does something like this — no matter how good their overall intentions may be — it only serves to damage their credibility. The webmaster of the Center for Cooperative Research should either replace that photo with a real photo of NORAD (if such a photo exists in the private sector), or simply remove the Wargames photo. Leaving it there can only damage how seriously people take their site, no matter how much effort they’ve put into their research.

NORAD? Probably.

Update: I e-mailed my concerns about the picture to the webmaster, and they’ve replaced the former photo with one from Discover magazine. While I’ve never been in NORAD, and therefore can’t assert to the photo’s accuracy firsthand, it does look far more likely to be the real thing (more realistic graphics on the monitors, more realistic computer terminals, less flashy overall — and I don’t recognize it from a movie!).

Sumo wrestlers and rattlesnakes

The sheer ponderousness of the panel’s opinion — the mountain of verbiage it must deploy to explain away these fourteen short words of constitutional text — refutes its thesis far more convincingly than anything I might say. The panel’s labored effort to smother the Second Amendment by sheer body weight has all the grace of a sumo wrestler trying to kill a rattlesnake by sitting on it — and is just as likely to succeed.

— Justice Alex Kozinski, in his dissenting opinion to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case Silvera v. Lockyer (PDF)

(via Cory Doctorow, via trubble)

Peace is our profession

Operation Strangelove: On May 14^th^, host a screening (even if it’s just for yourself!) of Dr Strangelove (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)!

Be part of a national anti-war action on May 14. Screen “Dr. Strangelove,” and raise money for groups still working hard for peace, justice and relief in Iraq.

Pre-emptive strikes. Cowboy diplomacy. Men conspiring in the War Room, bent on world domination. Weapons of mass destruction. And most terrifying of all, an invasion begun for one overwhelming reason: precious fluids.

Forty years after its filming, the dark and explosively funny “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” seems like a satirical time bomb planted by Stanley Kubrick and Terry Southern, set to detonate on Bush’s doctrine of unilateral warfare, anytime, anywhere.

As the war on Iraq winds down (at least on TV), as the perils (and profits) of occupation loom, and as the Bushies plot the next pre-emptive strike, Operation Strangelove aims to show the warmongers in their true light.

On May 14, put on a screening of “Dr. Strangelove” — in your living room, at the local theater, on campus, on your laptop, anywhere you can — and say no to unilateral invasions, to endangering our troops for the sake of oil, to flouting international law and the world community in the name of empire. Follow the film with discussions, forums, debates. Keep talking. Keep acting. Let’s give new meaning to the old Strategic Air Command motto, “Peace Is Our Profession.”

(via Kalilily)

Electoral Map

One of the things that really bugs me about our current governmental system is the Electoral College. When I was growing up, democracy (and, thus, the U.S. Government) was always explained to me as one vote per citizen, majority rule. This makes sense to me.

What I’ve never understood is the Electoral College (and, therefore, I may have the following summary somewhat incorrect — please correct me if so). Rather than tallying the votes cast by the American public in a presidential election, the EC votes are used to elect the President. The number of possible EC votes is finite, determined by assigning a certain number of EC votes to each state, based roughly on its population. Furthermore, when it comes to actually casting the votes, each state puts all of its votes behind one candidate, depending on what the majority of voters in that state voted for.

For instance, Alaska has a population of roughly 500,000, and gets three electoral votes. If just over half of Alaska’s voting population votes Republican, then as far as the Electoral College is concerned, all of Alaska votes Republican, as all three EC ballots are cast for the Republican candidate.

US map weighted by electoral votes

To the right you can see a map of the United States, with each state distorted as to how many EC votes it gets. (The graphic was taken from an excellent interactive electoral map that allows you to click on each state, seeing how many EC votes it gets and switching them from Democrat to Republican to play with election possibilities.)

I have never understood why the Electoral College system was considered a good idea when it was implemented, nor why it continues to be used. The Bush/Gore upset of 2000, when Gore won the popular vote but Bush took the Electoral College (and therefore the presidency), just made it more clear to me that this is a highly imperfect system for a “democracy” to use as its voting system. My grumbling isn’t going to get the system changed, but I’d sure like to see it changed — preferably to the very simple, easy to figure out, doesn’t cause problems, one voice equals one vote.

Remember when we had rights?

An excellent rumination of the state of our country and our rights as individuals today, from Amy at Spiffariffic:

I hated my 8th grade Social Studies teacher with a passion, but she certainly did make one point very well: we are all supposed to be ‘Constitutional watchdogs’ (her exact choice of words). I wonder what she’s telling her mortified students now, about enemy combatants, the refusal to grant a marching permit for the peace protests in NYC, the Supreme Court upholding the ridiculous extension on copyright terms, the searching of cars at airports and the delivery of sensitive passenger data, roaming wiretaps and Carnivore, secret military tribunals for so-called ‘enemy combatants,’ the FBI investigation of people who ask for “something other than the flag” stamps at the post office and college kids who have anti-Bush posters in their dorms. Certainly the Constitution has never been followed to the letter, but I don’t think I’m exaggerating much when I say that our Constitutional rights are being removed or reduced, drastically, at an unprecended pace even, every time we turn around.

Last weekend, when Miranda was visiting, she asked me, “what’s up with all the political stuff on your site lately?” Well, Amy sums it up quite well — when this is the situation, I find it reprehensible for people not to care. To shrug their shoulders and turn away. To deem it “somebody else’s problem.” It’s in times like these that we must pay attention, and do what we can to prevent things from getting any worse, and to right the wrongs already in practice.

This may be somewhat new in my life — but it’s hardly a new idea

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

(via Damien Barrett)

ERA still in limbo

You know, until just a few minutes ago, I had no idea that the ERA, giving constitutionally-protected equal rights to women, was never ratified. This completely blew my mind. Passed by the House of Representatives and by Congress in 1972, there was then a seven year deadline to get 38 states to ratify the amendment. Unfortunately, only 35 states ever did, even after Congress extended the deadline for an additional five years, until 1982.

After the deadline passed, the ERA was re-introduced to Congress in 1982, and has languished there ever since.

Currently there is a move to keep the original 35 states that ratified the amendment legally attached to the current bill, should it ever make it though Congress and the House of Representatives and go back into the state ratification phase, thanks to the “Madison Amendment” becoming the 27^th^ amendment to the Constitution, 202 years after being passed by Congress. Should that happen, though, we still need at least three more states to admit that women are equal members of society, and should be legally protected from discrimination.

So — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and Virginia — what do you say we move into the 21^st^ century and get the ERA passed?

(via Bob Harris, mentioning the death of Martha Griffiths, who spent most of her life championing equal rights for women)

…just a matter of emphasis

From ABC News:

To build its case for war with Iraq, the Bush administration argued that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but some officials now privately acknowledge the White House had another reason for war — a global show of American power and democracy.

Officials inside government and advisers outside told ABCNEWS the administration emphasized the danger of Saddam’s weapons to gain the legal justification for war from the United Nations and to stress the danger at home to Americans.

“We were not lying,” said one official. “But it was just a matter of emphasis.”

So — what many have been saying for months is starting to be admitted. The U.S., recognized as the world’s leading superpower, went to war to prove a point, and ~~lied about~~ emphasized the danger in order to get support that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.


(via Atrios)

Dean stirs up a hornet's nest

Wow — looks like Howard Dean went and pissed everybody off! Here’s why…

BLITZER: But governor, nobody — nobody disagrees there are going to be problems. But aren’t the people of Iraq so much better off now without Saddam Hussein on their back?

DEAN: We don’t know that yet. We don’t know that yet, Wolf. We still have a country whose city is mostly without electricity. We have tumultuous occasions in the south where there is no clear governance. We have a major city without clear governance. We don’t know yet, and until we do…

But here’s the part that everybody seeems to be conveniently ignoring:

BLITZER: You think it’s possible — excuse me for interrupting — that whatever emerges in Iraq could be worse than what they have for decades under Saddam Hussein?

DEAN: I do, I do. We have to think of this from an American perspective not an Iraqi perspective. The reason the president gave for going into Iraq which I disagree with is Iraq was a security threat to the United States. I don’t believe Saddam was. But I believe a fundamentalist Islamic regime would be. That we have to guard against, that may be very, very difficult. I think the jury is out in terms of what we’ve created. The other thing is, you have to remember that this president has now created a new American foreign policy a preemptive doctrine. And I think that’s going to cause America some serious trouble down the line, too. I don’t regret my opposition to the war, I think in the long term interest of the United States, we have yet to see whether the war is going to be successful or not.

Context is always important, and much as I use the ‘soundbite’ style of quoting when I’m grabbing snippets for this weblog, I do try to ensure that I’m not taking quotes out of context in order to make a point. Dean, in my opinion, has a very good point here.

We know that Saddam was a “bad man,” and that his regime was hardly a role model to be looked up to and followed. We know that atrocities were comitted. What we don’t know yet is what is going to happen now. It’s looking more and more like more hardline political groups are gaining power, and stand a good chance of heavily influencing Iraq in the months and years to come. We may very well have traded one sadistic regime for another, no matter what Bush tries to assure us.

We hope that that doesn’t turn out to be the case. But the jury’s still out, and the deliberations don’t look very good right now.