Fun with Π

My birthday is within the first 100 million digits of Π (specifically, 1,040,331 digits in [or 11,057 digits in, if I use the non-zero-padded version of my birthday 5373]). So is my current phone number, sans area code (49,168,544 digits in). My social security number isn’t, though. Bummer.

Our leaders at work

One has ordered his forces into battle more times than any other postwar British leader. The other threatens military action against “evil” nations and keeps a scorecard of dead al-Qaida leaders, marking each fatality with an X. Now, Tony Blair and George Bush have received international recognition for their unswerving willingness to use force: a nomination for the 2002 Nobel peace prize.

2 hours in the life of a ‘puter geek

Ever wondered just what ‘geeking out’ entails? Some nights it’s diving into whatever the geek’s code of choice is (HTML and CSS for me), other nights it’s more hardware based. Well, tonight I had a problem with my primary work Mac, and kept a log of what I was doing as I went along. Feel free to take a look if you’d like….

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