With everything going on, and particularly with recent SCOTUS decisions and That Fucking Guy still being, yet again, the GOP’s front runner, I see no particular reason to celebrate where we are as a country right now.
But my hopepunk determination to not just wish that things were better, but to continue to fight to make them so, goddammit, prevails.
We can be better than this. It’s not easy — not now, not in the past, and not anytime soon — but we can keep fighting for ourselves, for each other, and for those who don’t even know we’re fighting for them. (And “fighting” is different for everyone. Pick your battles, and pick battles and methods that work for you.)
Original image by TJDPoetry on Instagram.
(I’ve been seeing this image go around Facebook, and really like it, but noticed that the image showed signs of degradation, and was uncredited other than the signature in the image. So I went looking to find a better quality image file and to give a credit link back to the artist.)