Frikkin’ Major Tom!!!

I got to go to another concert last night — Peter Murphy! It was an absolutely incredible show. He focused mostly on songs from his most recent album, Dust, but also tossed in a few of his more popular songs from other older albums, including both ‘Crystal Wrists’ and ‘Roll Call’, two of my favorites.

I went to the show with Rick, and while I was there I ran into a friend of mine that I chat online with fairly often, pleasure_lil_treasure_99. She’s been to see Peter four times before this, so after he closed his main set with ‘Roll Call’, she told us that he only ever does one encore. Well, not only did he do one encore, he then proceded to do a second — and then a third! The third was completely mindblowing, too — an absolutely gorgeous cover of David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’.

Altogether, an absolutely incredible show. Too, too cool. Afterwards, Pleasure was kind enough to give me a ride home, and we hung out for a while until she had to pick up her friends and head home…at which point I hit the bed and passed out.
