Mother’s Day

It’s late in the day, so most won’t read this until the day after, but…happy Mother’s Day to all the various moms I know (and, for that matter, all those that I don’t know). My own mom is, of course, right at the top of that list. Other important moms that I know of: my sister-in-law Emily; my aunts Pam and Susan; Prairie’s mom Char; my friends Erika, and Melissa…and I’m sure there are more that I might be able to bring to mind if it weren’t just after eleven at night. ;)

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you.


Camera Vision

Wow. Tim, whom I’ve known for a few years now, left an incredible compliment on one of the photos I posted a couple days ago. I’m reposting it here because I’m floored, and I want to make sure it doesn’t disappear into the void. That, and it’s good for my ego. ;)

Speaking as a professional amateur photographer (or would that be amateur professional?) I must comment on the quality of your work. The fact of the matter is it just keeps getting better and better. Who knew you had such an artistic eye? I always had you pegged as a computer geek that wanted to be a photographer which I found rather funny considering I’m a photographer that want’s to be a computer geek.

And don’t for one second think (or be lead to believe) that the shiny new camera has anything to do with it. It does not. Not any more than a new set of pots and pans would suddenly make you a great cook. They may make you want to spend more time in the kitchen as I’m sure the new camera makes you want to go out and take more pictures but the underlying talent, the artistic eye, was there long ago.

And its that eye of which I speak. There comes a time in every photographers life where they make a switch they stop looking at things with standard vision and start looking at things the way camera would. Camera vision is what my friend called it when he was talking to me so many years ago.

The best way I know how to explain it is when you are learning another language. For a long time when people speak to you in the new language you hear what they say and your brain translates it to english for you. But there comes a time where when you hear the new language it doesn’t need to be translated in your brain, you just know it. And its on that day when you can proudly say, I speak two languages.

Camera vision is like that, you stop thinking about the shot and just take it. And as it was once said to me, I now say say it to you.

You have Camera vision.

And it shows.

Again — wow. Thanks, Tim.

iTunesMinnie the Moocher” by Blues Brothers, The feat. Calloway, Cab from the album Blues Brothers, The (1980, 3:25).