The point of no return…

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on May 29, 2001). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Given the direction my life has been heading lately, and the relevancy of everything I babble about here on the site, the above headline refers to the fact that I…

  1. ….am about to undergo radical plastic surgery and a sex-change operation in order to compete in the first Bridget Fonda lookalike contest.
  2. …just spent $209.75 on a one-way ticket to Seattle leaving Sat. June 16th at 12:45am and arriving at 5:02am.
  3. …live on a one-way dead-end street and can’t figure out how to go anywhere.
  4. …have just discovered and officially named a previously unknown area of land at the far end of the Homer Spit.
  5. …am desperately attempting to come up with more interesting and amusing options for this survey.

Update: The voting has been disabled for the above poll, as changes in the website have ended up borking up the poll and results. However, if I remember correctly, the majority of the tallied votes were for the Bridget Fonda lookalike contest.

I love my friends.