Back in Anchorage

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 22, 2001). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Welp, I made it to Anchorage — although, to be honest, I really didn’t think I would for a while. I had the single worst flight I’ve ever been on on the way up. Most of it went fine, but then about half an hour before we touched down, we hit the worst turbulence I’ve ever gone through, plus multiple air pockets where the airplane would suddenly drop for a couple seconds before it caught lift again. I’ve got to say, that was the most all-out terrified I’ve ever been — one drop I might have made it through with just being a little frightened, but when it kept happening over and over, I really started to freak out. I was completely convinced that we were going down — especially when after it started happening, and when the captain came on the intercom, rather than telling us something about how we’d hit some turbulence and would we please all sit down (which, while it would be stating the obvious, would have been somewhat reassuring), all he said was, “would the flight crew please sit down and buckle in now.” Not encouraging.

However, we did make it through (after feeling the plane drop out from underneath me way too many times), and eventually landed in Anchorage. I’ve never been so happy to get off an airplane in my life. It’s kind of frustrating really — I’ve never been scared of flying before. Now I’m nervous about getting on the plane back to Seattle in a few days. I will — but I’m a lot more antsy about it now than I would have been otherwise. I’m probably not the only one, either, as I heard many of the other passengers commenting that none of them had ever been through something that bad — turbulence, sure, but never fifteen minutes of continued extremely heavy turbulence with four or five air pockets. I never want to have to go through that again.

In any case, once we were down and got off the plane, parents met me outside the gates. We headed down to the baggage claim to pick up my one piece of checked luggage — my umbrella. I’d taken it with me out of habit this morning when I went to work, and since it’s a full-size umbrella with an inch and a half long metal tip, the airlines made me check it in rather than letting me keep it with me as a carryon. Unfortunately, the baggage handlers at Sea-Tac forgot to actually load it on my plane, so it’ll be getting delivered here to my parents’ house sometime tomorrow. I didn’t even have any real luggage and they managed to lose it!

Once we got back to the house it was around 12:30am and parents were pretty beat, so they went right to bed. I called Candice, and the two of us met up at VINL. We stayed there until about 2:30 or so, when we both decided that we had better go home until we passed out right there in the booths. We each headed back to our respective families’ houses…and here I am.

And now that this update is in…bedtime for bonzo. G’night folks!