It’s Friday! This is a good thing…the end of a slow work week. Not that I’ve really got anything amazing planned for the weekend, but at least I’ll be killing time at home where there’s a slight possiblity of being able to find something to entertain myself with instead of being here at work. That whole issue of needing to give the appearance of being able to justify your time no matter how slow it is kind of kills much ability to find some interesting ways to kill time.
Of course, so does the corporate firewall. But that’s another story. ;)
Candice and I never did make it out to the movie…we’d checked the time for the closest bus through the tunnel, but the bus tunnel is closed on holidays. Go figure. Ended up being just an evening at home, I dinked around on the ‘net, she read magazines…exciting stuff, I tell ya.
Not much going on other than that so far. I’m a bit short on money, thanks to two short work weeks in a row, which is making paying bills something of an exercise in creative financing, but parents are doing what they can to help me out, which rocks. As much fun as the past two weeks of vacation (more or less) have been, they certainly do take a frighteningly large chunk out of my paychecks.
Earlier this week Chad had his birthday dinner at 13 Coins, which was fun…Candice, myself, Rick, Peter, Casey, Jen, Chad, Don, and Dez all out having fun and being silly. Got one wonderful quote out of the evening, too…for some reason we were joking about Rick being incapacitated in some form, to the point where he we just kept him in the bathtub.
“Oh, don’t worry,” said Dez. “We’d entertain you…read to you or something.”
Rick wasn’t too sure about that, apparently. “Oh, sure — ‘Which would you like? Dr. Seuss or Schindler’s List?'”
“Hmm…Horton Hears a Jew?” said Dez.
We all proceeded to crack up.
And that’s about all I can come up with to babble about off the top of my head right now.