Pros and cons of newsreaders

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 3, 2002). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

One of the great things about using a newsreader like NetNewsWire Lite to keep up with the sites I like to read is that I can skim over the headlines of (at present) 69 different websites, picking out the ones I’m more interested in reading, and skipping the rest. It’s a great way to keep track of a lot of information without getting overloaded.

The downside, though, becomes very apparent when one has more or less ignored things for a few weeks (or even days). 69 sites times about two weeks of neglect equals one hell of a lot of posts to wade through. I think I started at around 700-some, right now I’m down to just over 200-some, and the number will just increase again by the time I get home from work.

So — as a personal favor to me — would all of you nice people who keep me informed about the world, thinking about current events, and considering new ideas on how to tweak my website, kindly pipe down for a day or two so I can get caught up? You should be able to start babbling as normal round about Thursday, I think.

Thanks. I appreciate it.
