Renew! Renew! Renew!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on May 4, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Well, I’m still here and kicking around, so it seems I didn’t go up in a fiery explosion in the ritual of Carousel. Frankly, I’m relieved — I’ve always said I wanted to go out with a bang, but not that literally.

Incidentally, for those who I may have entirely lost with my birthday post, I highly suggest you check out the movie Logan’s Run. Classic sci-fi.

Anyway, overall a good day yesterday. Wandered around town for a bit with Prairie, and went down to see X-Men 2 midway through the day. Very, very cool — I’ve never been a huge comic person, but I’ve read enough about the X-Men over the years to be very impressed with how they’re handling the movies. Accessible and fun action-adventure flicks for the masses, with a lot of intelligent nods to the fans and creative ties to established comic book canon while creating a new storyline. All in all, lots of fun.

Spent the evening hanging out with Chad and Prairie at the Bad JuJu Lounge and bouncing around at the Vogue. I’d tried to get ahold of Rick and Candice too, but never reached them. Was a little bit of a bummer, but the three of us had fun. I just got a call from Rick, though — he’s collecting Chad and heading this way, and we’re going to go find something to do for the afternoon. Woohoo! Off to go play…