I’ve been having a lot of fun with my guests — hence the lack of posts lately. I’ve got to go off to work, so I don’t have time for a wrapup right now, but I can point you over to Kirsten’s account of the last two days.
Of primary interest, however, is the public unveiling of a drink I came up with a few years back, and had been quite popular among my friends since then. We’ve just finally given it a name:
Quickie (shot)\
Equal parts Jagermeister and Aftershock or Goldschlager.This is, by far, the most devious shot I have ever had. Babycakes says he came up with the idea for the shot when Jagermeister and Aftershock were both popular shots on their own. He decided to try and mix them – a stab in the dark he figured would either be a horrific failure or a gleaming success. Let me tell you – it’s definitely a gleaming success. You take this shot, wait about five or ten seconds, and then wham! It’s like you’ve just been right fucked and got hit up with a delayed orgasm. It had also not been named, this was the one I suggested. I think Babycakes may have previously referred to it as a Jagershock.