A dozen URL's

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on July 3, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Can you name more than a dozen URLs by heart?

Let’s see —

  1. Unusual Relaxation Locations (any shady building on Spenard)
  2. Uriel Remebers Lilith (now that’s an obscure reference…)
  3. Unborn Rhesus Livers (eeew…I got ill dissecting a tapeworm)
  4. Unfortunately, Rhett Limps (and drops Scarlett down the staircase)
  5. Urban Relocation Lands (we ran out of reservation space)
  6. Unlikely Rambo Lines (“Don’t you guys ever read Tolstoy?”)
  7. Utah’s Radical Luddites (electricity…what a concept!)
  8. Untie Ricky, Lucy! (the scenes Desi wouldn’t let get out)
  9. Ukranian Reuseable Leeches (very popular in the Dark Ages)
  10. Uncomfortable Rubber Lederhosen (trust me)
  11. Uncle Ralph’s Laundry (needs to be done more often)
  12. Uniquely Rotund Lemmings (fool things just rolled right off that cliff)

— Me, replying to a question on Anchorage BBS AKMac