Dean support in Washington

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on July 16, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Speaking of the Stranger, I just happened across an article that looks at the ever-growing support for Howard Dean (and John Kerry) here in Washington State.

Dean has also won the support of former state party chair Karen Marchioro, who says she went to the annual meeting of the Democratic National Committee in February as a Kerry supporter, but was won over to Dean after hearing his fiery speech and after meeting him personally. She sees a regional divide in the party, with Left Coast insiders more amenable to Dean’s call for a head-on confrontation with the Bush administration and its policies. She recently attended a California party convention where hordes of party insiders expressed support for Dean’s candidacy after hearing him speak, she says.

Due to my work schedule, I haven’t been able to show up at any of the local Dean meetups or gatherings, unfortunately — they’re all scheduled for Wednesday evenings when I’m at work. Dean is supposed to be here himself on Monday, August 25^th^, though, as part of the “People-Powered Howard Sleepless Summer Tour“, and I may just see if I can escape from work early that day to show up.