Jane’s Addiction rocks.
Jane’s Addiction has a new album out.
Jane’s Addiction’s new CD appears to be copy-protected (at least, the single from the new album had a prominently displayed ‘copy protection’ logo on it. I didn’t see one on the album itself, but if the single had it, there’s at least a good chance that the album will too, and I don’t know what the labeling requirements are for the new copy protection technology).
Jane’s Addiction just lost a sale.
If anyone can verify that the new album is not copy protected, then I’ll buy it. But I refuse to purchase a CD that likely will not play in my computer, but may not play in my normal CD player either. Besides, I listen to most of my music these days by legally copying it to my iPod. If I can’t do that, I’m not nearly as likely to listen to it, so why buy it? Grrrrrr.
Amen, brotha. I don’t have an IPod, but I do have all of my cd’s ripped to a single home jukebox, so when I put my “all” playlist into full random, I get weeks of listening time. I haven’t put a cd into my home stereo in over a year.
However, I do own all of those cd’s. They’re a massive dust-collector now.
I was just talking to someone about this the other day.
I don’t even know when the last time i played a cd was. I have had an iPod since they first came out yet i have never downloaded a song. Okay one. The Nirvana single. $15 for an album that i already have all the songs from with one new song? Who is stealing from whom? Come and get me RIAA.
I have all my cds ripped to my PowerBook and sync my iPod to it.
I would never buy an cd that was copyright protected. If i did i would return it immediately. To be the cd is now just the delivery device. It delivers the music to my iPod. If you make it so i can’t get it to my iPod or iTunes it’s useless to me.
I would have expected a supposedly tech savvy guy like Perry to know better. Even copy protecting the single turns me off.
I have strays and imported it into itunes. Did not notice any statement of copy protection on the disc. I purchased the enhanced CD with the bonus DVD, and the music is happily imported to itunes on on my partner’s ipod.
And the album rocks!
Rock on — I might be getting a new CD after all, then. Thanks!