Almost there!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on August 7, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

One of the nice things about my temp agency is the way they handle vacation pay. For every 1000 hours worked, you get a week’s worth of vacation pay (which works out to roughly every six months), and they just drop the extra check into your weekly envelope.

I got my latest vacation check today. So, adding that to what I already had saved up in my PayPal account, I now have just over \$2000 saved for my new computer! I’m aiming for the mid-range Power Mac G5 (1.8GHz PowerPC G5, 512MB DDR400 SDRAM [PC3200], 160GB Serial ATA – 7200rpm, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra, SuperDrive [DVD-R/CD-RW]) which retails for \$2399, so I’ve only got roughly \$400 left to scrape up, and I’ll be able to order my new computer.

‘Bout damn time!

3 thoughts on “Almost there!”

  1. That’s the machine i’m getting for work. It was ordered a few weeks, so hopefully it won’t be too long once they start shipping. I’m trying not to get too excited as i have no idea when it will come, but i’m looking forward to gettng it.

    for home i think i’ll stick with my PowerBook G4 500MHz for now. I’d like to get an iMac after borrowing one from work the past couple weeks while the PowerBook gets a little AppleCare TLC. When a G5 iMac hits the streets, i’ll bite.

  2. I gave some serious thought to getting an iMac, but I ended up deciding against it for two reasons.

    First, I’m a sucker for expandability and upgradeability, both of which the iMac is extremely limited in. Also, I prefer to have two monitors to work with when possible, which the iMac won’t do.

    Secondly, I wanted to get the best machine possible with my current finances. The last time I bought a new machine was my Mac Classic in 1991 — all my other machines I’ve picked up used (I’m currently using a 350Mhz G3). It’s not a bad way to pick up decent machines, but they also tend to show their age sooner.

    Since it’s likely to be a good long time before I can afford another brand new machine, I want to get the best I can. I was aiming for the top of the line dual 2Ghz G5, but at the moment, I’d rather aim for the midrange (which will still be a screamer compared to this G3) and be able to order it sooner — though if I do get a sudden windfall and end up with the $3000 for the top of the line machine, you can bet I’ll grab that one. Such a windfall isn’t terribly likely, however.

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