One of the nice things about my temp agency is the way they handle vacation pay. For every 1000 hours worked, you get a week’s worth of vacation pay (which works out to roughly every six months), and they just drop the extra check into your weekly envelope.
I got my latest vacation check today. So, adding that to what I already had saved up in my PayPal account, I now have just over \$2000 saved for my new computer! I’m aiming for the mid-range Power Mac G5 (1.8GHz PowerPC G5, 512MB DDR400 SDRAM [PC3200], 160GB Serial ATA – 7200rpm, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra, SuperDrive [DVD-R/CD-RW]) which retails for \$2399, so I’ve only got roughly \$400 left to scrape up, and I’ll be able to order my new computer.
‘Bout damn time!
That’s the machine i’m getting for work. It was ordered a few weeks, so hopefully it won’t be too long once they start shipping. I’m trying not to get too excited as i have no idea when it will come, but i’m looking forward to gettng it.
for home i think i’ll stick with my PowerBook G4 500MHz for now. I’d like to get an iMac after borrowing one from work the past couple weeks while the PowerBook gets a little AppleCare TLC. When a G5 iMac hits the streets, i’ll bite.
I gave some serious thought to getting an iMac, but I ended up deciding against it for two reasons.
First, I’m a sucker for expandability and upgradeability, both of which the iMac is extremely limited in. Also, I prefer to have two monitors to work with when possible, which the iMac won’t do.
Secondly, I wanted to get the best machine possible with my current finances. The last time I bought a new machine was my Mac Classic in 1991 — all my other machines I’ve picked up used (I’m currently using a 350Mhz G3). It’s not a bad way to pick up decent machines, but they also tend to show their age sooner.
Since it’s likely to be a good long time before I can afford another brand new machine, I want to get the best I can. I was aiming for the top of the line dual 2Ghz G5, but at the moment, I’d rather aim for the midrange (which will still be a screamer compared to this G3) and be able to order it sooner — though if I do get a sudden windfall and end up with the $3000 for the top of the line machine, you can bet I’ll grab that one. Such a windfall isn’t terribly likely, however.
Good deal, Mike!