My eyes! My eyes!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on September 22, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Until right now, I had no idea that there even was a CSS declaration for text-decoration: blink. I wish I hadn’t found out that it existed the hard way.

Hasn’t use of the ‘blink’ tag been outlawed by now? The worst part is, the rest of the design isn’t shabby at all, which just makes the gratuitously annoying blinking stand out by comparison. Ugh.

(via Will)

9 thoughts on “My eyes! My eyes!”

  1. Wow! that’s spooky… and I don’t mean the blinking. When I opened the web site and looked at Will’s picture I at first thought, where the hell did he get my picture from? I don’t know if you remember me from early TimeFrame Wudi, but Will’s a dead ringer. Even the glasses are exactly the glasses I wore then (I still use them for computer glasses)But please don’t send him a picture of me now! If he finds out what he’ll look like in five years he might end it all, and save himself from suffering.
    If I allowed myself to be photographed (and I don’t) I would have proof. Did you see it Wudi? Or do you only remember me the way I look now?

  2. It’s like they’re saying “Walla Walla” (blinka blinka) over and over and over. Ad nauseum (which is how you feel if you watch it too long).

  3. Tim — I do see it, actually. But didn’t you know? Everyone in the world has an evil twin named Wade. Given the similarities here, I can only assume that either you or Will are going under an assumed name.

    Fess up, Wade! Which one are you?!?

  4. Apparently Safari ignores the ‘blink’ tag. Good thing too — you’re all spared (and so am I, now). I used Firebird on my XP machine at work, though, which is where I first noticed it.

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