Trying to get caught up

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on September 30, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

So far, I’ve found two (and only two) downsides to the new computer.

Firstly, I need to get used to having a single monitor again. I’ve been using a dual-monitor setup for the past few years with my old Mac, using two 17\” CRT monitors. Once was an old Apple monitor that used the old proprietary Apple monitor connector, and the other was a standard VGA monitor attacheched to a VGA port on a second video card.

I can’t do this on the new machine, though. While its video card has two ports, and will drive two monitors quite comfortably, one port is the new ADC port for Apple’s LCD screens, and the other is a DVI port for non-Apple LCD screens. The machine came with a DVI to VGA adaptor, so I can run one of my 17\” monitors, but that’s it. I’ll get used to it, it’s just feeling a bit cramped right now, and I keep losing windows.

Guess what just rocketed to the top of my wish list? ;)

Secondly, after spending the weekend getting things set up and configured on the new machine — and doing a fair amount of playing and marvelling at the new goodies — I’m way behind in reading all of my usual websites. Uff-da.

So, things have been a little slow for the past few days, but I’m working on getting back up to speed. Small prices to pay, really.

2 thoughts on “Trying to get caught up”

  1. pardon me for not being so up on the mac stuff – and i know it’s not as shiny as the 20″ flat screen – but is there an ADC adaptor for dvi screens? (and all the other adaptor questions – adc to apple, dvi to apple – apply here as well) could you get another adaptor that could tide you over in the meantime?

  2. Oh no….Now ya done flung a craving on me.
    Making me want one of them there fancy pants machines.
    Damm you!
    Damm you!
    Even made me get my lazy ass up this morning and go down to the Apple store.
    Their still mopping up the drool.
    Have you no shame, man!
    Have you no shame?

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