Free association

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 22, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I hopped onto iChat tonight, and found a message from Phil waiting for me that he’d sent while I was off at work. I responded, and then we stumbled into a couple hours of free association. What follows has only been edited to reorder one or two lines to preserve clarity, and one or two tangents have been excised. I thought it was pretty entertaining.

Phil: wow. way to answer 8 hours later.

Me: lol yeah, well, I was at work

Phil: How about an away message?

Me: forgot to set it when I left…and for some reason, the ‘puter never went to sleep
Me: :shrugs

Phil: Heh. Alright. Phil: you’re forgiven, just this once

Me: hrm…i better be careful about that then

Phil: But don’t let it happen again, ol….young man!

Me: :laughs nice

Phil: Actually, it’s done it for like the last 3 days… but, whatever.

Me: really? bizzrre

Phil: I think your G5 just does not go to sleep.

Me: or even bizArre

Phil: bazaar?

Me: brasierre

Phil: brazier.

Me: glazier

Phil: glandular

Me: globular

Phil: gangster

Me: gangsta

Phil: Gang Starr

Me: Home Star

Phil: homerun

Me: hummer

Phil: That’d be nice. I mean, um, uh, er, um, uh, humvee.

Me: lol Me: (’twasn’t an offer)

Phil: Not from you, ol’ man

Me: hey, now…there are benefits
Me: just lose the dentures
Me: no worries about inadvertent scrapes

Phil: ROFL Phil: You’ve put WAY too much thought into that right there.
Phil: Now associate ‘humvee’!

Me: LOL Me: ah, right…(ahem) Me: Harvey

Phil: Harley

Me: hog

Phil: heifer

Me: girlfriend (ouch…)

Okay — a quick aside in my own defense here (free association can be dangerous sometimes…). I actually had to sit and think about this for a moment after I tossed it out, and as far as I can remember, the only time I’ve ever heard the term ‘heifer’ used was to describe an unappreciated girlfriend. A little sad, I suppose, but seeing as how I don’t tend to run around in farming circles, that just happens to be the case. In no way should this be construed as being aimed at anyone I have been involved with, past, present, or future. Anyway, continuing on…

Phil: platonic friend

Me: frustration

Phil: rage.

Me: prozac

Phil: claritin

Me: clarity

Phil: charity

Me: alms

Phil: arms

Me: bear

Phil: Arctic Circle

Me: perfect circle

Phil: maynard james keenan

Me: hillbilly

Phil: my dad

Me: stranger

Phil: balki!

Me: (wow…that’s a show I haven’t thought about in years…kudos!)
Me: Balkans

Phil: Urals

Me: urine

Phil: urinals

Me: fly

Phil: hornet

Me: run

Phil: Lola

Me: yum

Phil: Jessica Alba

Me: Alan Alda

Phil: Tony Danza

Me: Chachi

Phil: Joanie

Me: Cusack

Phil: Kojak

Me: bald

Phil: Jesse Ventura

Me: acting

Phil: Al Pacino

Me: taxi driver

Phil: underage prostitution

Me: pedophile

Phil: Cattholicism
Phil: er, Catholocism
Phil: er – ah, fuck it, you know what i mean.

Me: lol gotcha
Me: candy bar and a coke
Me: (do you know that joke?)

Phil: no, I really don’t.

Me: ah, damn
Me: okay…slight detour
Me: guy goes to confession
Me: starts to run down his list o’ sins
Me: mid way through (apparently he had a good list), the priest interrupts him
Me: “Hey – I hate to do this, but I’ve been in here all day, and I really need to take a piss. Could you come over here and cover for me for a few minutes?”
Me: “What? But I don’t know anything about giving absolution!”
Me: “Don’t worry about it – c’mere”
Me: So the guy goes over, and the priest points out a list tacked to the wall
Me: “See? It’s all here. Unclean thoughts, three hail marys…masturbation, seven…just follow the chart, and you’ll be fine.”
Me: “Um…okay…”
Me: So the priest takes off, and the guy starts filling in.
Me: The first two people go okay.
Me: Then a woman comes in, and starts going through her list of sins.
Me: He’s doing fine, until she says “…and I gave my boyfriend a blowjob.”
Me: The guy scans up and down the list, “blowjob…blowjob…” but he can’t find it.
Me: Frantic, he opens the curtain and pops his head out to see an altar boy walking by.
Me: “Hey! Kid! What does the priest give for a blowjob?”
Me: “Candy bar and a coke, usually.”

Phil: ROFL
Phil: Awesome. That’s awesome.

Me: lol Me: and now my response actually makes some amount of sense

Phil: so, responding to candy bar and a coke?
Phil: broke!

Me: credit

Phil: check

Me: Czech

Phil: Slovakia

Me: europe

Phil: france

Me: freedom fries

Phil: berets

Me: bad poetry

Phil: bohemians

Me: Moulin Rouge

Phil: Nicole Kidman

Me: (I’d go with “yum” again, but I did that earlier…)

Phil: (exactly. )

Me: Marilyn Monroe

Phil: (again with the “yum”)
Phil: JFK

Me: (and that ends the “yum”…)
Me: brains

Phil: zombies

Me: black and white

Phil: Gaussian blur

Me: photoshop

Phil: MS Paint!

Me: crap

Phil: donkeys

Me: shrek

Phil: my door
Phil: (There’s a connection there, honest)

Me: (allrighty then…)
Me: knock

Phil: D&D

Me: bag of holding

Phil: dime sack

Me: 420

Phil: 187

Me: π

Phil: The cube

Me: hypercube (which I need to see at some point…)

Phil: no, no, DO NOT
Phil: my word is now HORRIBLE

Me: really? bummer…the first one wasn’t bad

Phil: second = bad

Me: ah, well…thanks for the warning! Me: okay…off of horrible?
Me: adam sandler

Phil: rob schneider

Me: rob reiner

Phil: pauly shore

Me: biodome

Phil: biocomputing

Me: nanotechnology

Phil: self-replicators

Me: Kiln People (good David Brin sci-fi novel)

Phil: art majors

Me: museums

Phil: history majors

Me: term papers

Phil: midterms

Me: student loans

Phil: MBNA

Me: (MBNA?)

Phil: (loan company, #1 or #2 backer of the Republican party; Apple’s loan company)

Me: aaah, okies Me: bills

Phil: pelicans

Me: albatross

Phil: mariner

Me: baseball

Phil: hot dogs

Me: mysterious ingredients

Phil: cigarettes

Me: cloves

Phil: pipe tobacco

Me: sherlock holmes

Phil: the Dock

Me: otis redding

Phil: whistle

Me: sound of music

Phil: gag

Me: ball

Phil: arab strap

Me: porn
Me: (damn you…I had to look up an “arab strap”, and it’s just a strap on)

Phil: rofl
Phil: camera

Me: iSight

Phil: earshot

Me: wet willie

Phil: Bill Clinton

Me: stain

Phil: clorox

Me: fumes

Phil: ammonia

Me: oops

Phil: Britney Spears

Me: twit

Phil: Steve Urkel

Me: nerd

Phil: me!

Me: (you and me both, actually)
Me: pride

Phil: fall

Me: leaves

Phil: trees

Me: druid

Phil: Red Hat

Me: penguin

Phil: emperor

Me: norton

Phil: ghost

Me: casper

Phil: caper

Me: cape

Phil: cap

Me: skull

Phil: pope

Me: polish

Phil: sausage

Me: hungry

Phil: me, again.

Me: broke (again)
Me: (not to rub it in or anything)

Phil: (rofl, I didn’t even notice that)
Phil: windows

Me: annoying

Phil: Office XP

Me: suddenly everything sucks

Phil: New Orleans whorehouse on a Friday night

Me: (eclecticism > XP sucks!)
Me: fun

Phil: programming

Me: brainwashing

Phil: Nazis

Me: Schwarzenegger

Phil: Herr Gropenfuhrer

Me: Das Blinken Lights

Phil: BASIC Stamp

Me: food stamp

Phil: WIC

Me: candle

Phil: wax

Me: ear

Phil: earwig

Me: hedwig

Phil: inch

Me: nine

Phil: nails

Me: fingers

Phil: claws

Me: santa

Phil: snowballs

Me: blue balls

Phil: typical.

Me: (Y’know how to get rid of blue balls? Slap ’em and slap ’em until they’re red.)

Phil: (OW)

Me: (anyway…lol…off of ‘typical’)
Me: boring

Phil: Windows
Phil: (98)

Me: crash

Phil: airplanes

Me: Fight Club

Phil: Red Dragon

Me: (book was better)
Me: tattoo

Phil: (agreed)
hil: (oh sweet jesus, the first reaction I had to tattoo was another D&D reference)
Phil: wings

Me: Crow II (horrid, horrid, horrid…but she was yummy)

Phil: Underworld
Phil: (also horrid, but hey, I’d hit it)

Me: (oh, damn skippy)
Me: leather

Phil: BDSM

Me: kinky

Phil: my ex’s roommate

Me: my ex (one of ’em, at least)

Phil: Wow. it’s 2:30 am and my brain is numb.
Phil: That has nothing to do with my ex.
Phil: At least, not on the surface.

Me: :laughs I guessed
Me: you out?
Me: this is going on my blog, by the way

Phil: yeah, I’m out. I have to get up for classes tomorrow.
Phil: Oh, wow, that’s one hella long blog entry.

Me: about an hour and a half of free association…not bad!

Phil: not at all.

And that’s that.

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