Of blogging and unemployment

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 27, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

UPDATE: Please take the time to read my followup post, Fifteen Minutes of Fame, for my thoughts on what happened after I posted the picture, why it happened — and most importantly, why I don’t blame Microsoft for their actions. Thanks!

The day started like any other day — get up, dink around for a bit, bus into work, and start working through the stack of jobs. Just shy of an hour after I got in, my manager came in and asked me to step into his office when I had a chance. Sure, no biggie, and I headed over as soon as I finished the job I was setting up.

“Okay, here’s the first question. Is this page,” and here he turned his monitor towards me, letting me see my “Even Microsoft wants G5s” post from last Thursday, “hosted on any Microsoft computer? Or is it on your own?”

“It’s on mine. Well, it’s on a hosted site that I pay for, but no, it’s not on anything of Microsoft’s.”

“Good. That means that as it’s your site on your own server, you have the right to say anything you want. Unfortunately, Microsoft has the right to decide that because of what you said, you’re no longer welcome on the Microsoft campus.”

And that simply, as of about 2pm today, I once again joined the ranks of the unemployed.

It seems that my post is seen by Microsoft Security as being a security violation. The picture itself might have been permissible, but because I also mentioned that I worked at the MSCopy print shop, and which building it was in, it pushed me over the line. Merely removing the post was also not an option — I offered, and my manager said that he had asked the same thing — but the only option afforded me was to collect any personal belongings I had at my workstation and be escorted out the door. They were at least kind enough to let me be escorted out by one of my co-workers, rather than sending security over to usher me out, but the end result is the same.

More frustrating for me is that, having read stories here and there on the ‘net about people who had for one reason or another lost their jobs due to something on their weblogs, I thought that I had done what I could to avoid that possibility. To my mind, it’s an innocuous post. The presence of Macs on the Microsoft campus isn’t a secret (for everything from graphic design work to the Mac Business Unit), and when I took the picture, I made sure to stand with my back to the building so that nothing other than the computers and the truck would be shown — no building features, no security measures, and no Microsoft personnel. However, it obviously wasn’t enough.

So, I’m unemployed. I am somewhat lucky in that I’m not technically unemployed — I am still on the roster for my temp agency, who has been very good to me so far (and hopefully will continue to be), but as their ability to place me anywhere does depend on the current job market, it’s not a foolproof guarantee of employment coming in quickly. I’ve put a call into them and let them know of the situation and that I’m available and willing for whatever can be found, so with any luck, they’ll be able to find a placement for me. However, it appears that it’s also time for me to start hitting the streets and shopping my resume around again.

Wish me luck.

369 thoughts on “Of blogging and unemployment”

  1. Oh dont worry mate, youll find a better job with less hectic wackoo bosses.
    Everyone knows Microsoft sucks, both with its internal and external policy. Windows is a piece of crap, we all have
    to use from time to time. The funny thing is, MS knows it and that
    s why they use Mac`s with MacOS – they are simply better.

  2. Well… I am Mac developer and I just can say one thing.

    M$ is so stupid that cluld simply post anything saying that these Macs where for development department. They must have many Macs to develop Internet Explorer, MS Office, MS Messenger, and others MS Mac applications.

    They could simply say that they need Macs to work in their Macintosh Applications, and say that you (employer) has a wrong idea about where they will use Macs.

    But they are so stupid that could not thing the best thing to do.

    Good lucky.

  3. Dang,

    Has Apple offered you a job yet? Perhaps in their marketing department?
    My workplace likes me to take technology pictures and post them as “bragging shots”.
    I can understand why Microsoft might have security issues, but they could have told you it was
    wrong in the first place with a warning, even a suspension for effect.
    Did they post any of your information on their web sites?
    Can you get the guy who posted that fired?

    The truth is: Everyone has to have one job where the Management are a bunch of *ssholes.
    Hang in there! You’ll find a job soon, and hopefully with a Manager that sucks less.

  4. Unbelievable. I worked for Microsoft for 12 years and never came across a situation this unreasonable. I saw many people fired in those years – all for good reasons (theft, obviously not doing one’s job, etc…). In fact, it was rather difficult to get fired.

    I guess times have changed…

  5. “Perhaps the fact that this server runs on MacOSX has anything to do with latest happenings? I mean. You post pics about Macs. You use a Mac. You aren’t a Mac zealot, are you? We don’t serve your kind”

    Dunno. I think there’s more behind this…

  6. I used to work for Microsoft back in the day when they dispensed beer freely and layed out cots to keep their employees in the office and away from home. I finally quit when the girl who was sleeping with the boss got promoted to manager, even though she’d only been there for 6 months and I’d been there for 2 years and was next in line for the promotion. Microsoft is BAD JUJU. Consider yourself lucky to be free from Uncle Bill.

  7. Now this is AMAZING, getting sacked due to something really lame like this? First of all this does not in anyway reflect Microsoft in a bad manner. They almost feel like a real company when you post charming everyday things like this. I are among the few that really don’t mind MS but treating people like this make me sick. Well we all now you can never stay on top for ever, that is how things are and will be. Suddenly there will be a slump and then NOBODY will care if a giant falls. I hope that you find a more humane company to work for.

    1940 Germany = 2003 Microsoft?

  8. Welcome to the Island of CRY. What I find funny is people cry “freedom” but you fools have no problem with taking away the 2nd amendment rights. Face facts, this clown was shown the door for being retarded at work. If you people really want to get fucked, go work for a Native American Tribe on their tribal lands. They really know how to fuck you over faster then MS or any other US company.

  9. Gee wiz, I think Microsoft ought to fess up publicly that they secretly know how Mac G5’s are superior
    to anything out there.

  10. Microsoft is caught in having to change it’s incestuous culture to be a real company. The free wheeling style of stealing ideas or private APIs cross group is getting them into more and more trouble every day.

    The new “employee principles” are nice but lip fodder and are not applied or adhered to by management.

  11. Worrying about Macs and firing Michael gives the impression of reduced confidence, on Microsoft’s part, in Microsoft’s business, right at a time when Microsoft needs to demonstrate increased confidence in order to appease the competition and investors.

  12. I am not sure about this, but you might want to consule a lawyer about suing MS for violating your right for freedom of speeach…I never like MS for anything, and from your case, prove again, once a bully, always a bully…

  13. You fucked up bad, simple simple
    I have a blog and never mention the shit were working on, its common sense

  14. I work for Apple in Cupertino and we don’t want you. As for the European. comment…stay in Europe. Just remember Normandy. We Americans are always bailing your asses out of something.

  15. I agree that you should consider suing MS over this. Talk to a lot of lawyers, learn every detail you can, and if you end up approaching them right they’ll just settle with you out of court (with a big fat check), the way they like to.

    I’d go to the press too. If you can convince a news station to display your picture and mention your story, maybe you can convince one of the big dogs (20/20, nightline, etc) to bring up your story some day.

    I would say “I’ll never use a MS Windows system again,” but I don’t blame the operating system. There are a lot of programmers who have worked their butt off to give us this de-facto OS. I’ve always supported Linux and Mac as well though, because a few good competitors is what every OS needs to keep them working to keep the end-user happy. Microsoft’s business tactics are going to end up burning it badly one of these days, but I don’t think that will happen with Gates at the helm (unless we suddenly see a world that cares about business ethics); he is simply too much of a pro at the game of business.

  16. Stand up against MS — While out of work I got a call from what I thought was a headhunter and one question was whether I was interested in working for Microsoft. I said “no” and explained the standard objections about the company. The call went on a few more minutes and I thought not too much of it. I found out a couple days later that a friend had given my name to that caller, who was in fact a Microsoft HR person. I am proud of my response but not sure if I would have been so bold had the person had the decency to identify herself. If no one will sell their soul and work there, they might change their approach.

  17. “I work for Apple in Cupertino and we don’t want you.”

    Too bad you don’t show what your age, rank in that hierarchy.

    “As for the European. comment…stay in Europe. Just remember Normandy. We Americans are always bailing your asses out of something.”

    You’re aware what a “troll” and a “national socialist” (nazi) is, are you?

  18. Seems so crummy for them to do. I mean I could understand maybe a “chat” from MS security but come on to let some ogo. Any idea how they discovered your blog?

  19. No loss really – working at Microsoft (IMHO) is the equivalent of working for the devil. I believe that anyone that helps microsoft in it’s plight is contributing to the united suffering of IT and the world. As of yet, I haven’t found any redeeming feature of Microsoft and this just further compounds this point. Work with the devil, prepare to be burned.

  20. i experienced an almost-identical termination for blogging vaguely about work, though they veiled it to make it seem like it was because i was blogging while at work.

    here is my story: http://sassylittlepunkin.blogspot.com/2003_07_06_sassylittlepunkin_archive.html#105787234734533951

    it was utterly shocking, and a strange mix of feeling censored, caught red-handed, wronged, misunderstood, taken too seriously, and certainly not given a shot at redemption.

    because i have a site meter i am able to track domains and ip addresses of my visitors, and to this day, almost 4 months after my firing, people at my old workplace read my blog almost every day. pot, what’s that you called the kettle?

    i wish you the best. will you be granted unemployment? my boss told me he’d block me at every attempt. eventually, things get better. um, at least i think they do.

  21. i’ve seen and read of ppl who’ve been fired for blogging during office hours – so thats another thing you peeps ought to watch out for. If they can’t legally get you for the content – innocuous reasons like stating where you work or what you do can get you canned. :-4a7d3d609129a9296bf7ac0608c2097

  22. You didn’t get fired because you were a security risk, you got fired because your post could possibly embarass Microsoft.

  23. Ouch man, that sucks. I’m going to post a link to this on my site, so other can read and realize how evil Microsoft is.

    This, along with many others, is the reason I use *nix.

  24. the nice thing about being unemployed is you can say pretty much anything you want about the bastard motherfucking evil corporations that hijacked amerika and there is not much they can do about it — yet!

  25. I only can see a unix explanation…
    …guess Microsoft was trying to “keep its enemies closer”.

    wat is next, uncle bill? …Red Hat´s for days of …Sun?

  26. I think everybody has said enough about the whole incident.

    I have nothing new to add, except that some companies show you the two white lines that you must walk between, OR ELSE ! Microsofts white lines have blurred into one – it has been known for some time.

    Just go work for somebody else ! Just go buy a Mac next time (they were always better anyway!)

    Hey man – you lost your job and became world famous (your 15 minutes of glory according to Andy Warhol!) Only problem now is that you have nothing to look forward too.

    Best from Paris

  27. Microsoft sucks. Their OS sucks. Their chill Bill sucks. Their products sucks. Their philosophy in life sucks. Their code sucks. Their money sucks. Their books sucks. Their help sucks. Their future sucks. Their past sucks. Their ring 0 sucks. Theri ring 3 sucks. Their ring -1 sucks. Their circle sucks.

    They should be called Microsucks. Better yet, Macrosucks.

  28. Hey man! I am from Brazil, and your picks are in all the world! I’m yoy will find a new job! You can send curriculuns to Apple! Because they are the most interested in your picks, it is marketing! Well… good lock… Yours…
    All Brazillian people and Rafael Silva too…

  29. For what it’s worth, there has to be a lawsuit over your first amendment rights… Since it was on your own server, or at least one that you pay for, you have the right to say anything you want about any company or person. It’s bad enough that many of our other personal freedoms guaranteed by the constitution are being ripped away from us, it’s time to take a stand with something like this.

  30. Hey, here are a few facts.

    –Let this be a lesson to all those that wish to work at MS. Don’t because it’s a political minefield. No mater how harmless your “day-to-day” activities are, you just will never know who will get upset over them. Back in 1997 a Blue Badge confided to me that she (the contractor) ate too much at lunch. The Blue Badge then complained and lied to security that the contractor was saying dispariging things about MS. She was gone within the hour.

    –When it was later learned I was looking for “more gainful employment”, I was removed.

    –There is no lawsuit over the First Amendment in this case. Microsoft has a right to remove any person, Blue Badge or otherwise for any reason they see fit.

    –Microsoft will not acknolodge he ever worked there and they will maintain thay have no record of him, but he will be placed on a list (a record just the same) that says he’s not eligable for placement there.

    –If any of you think Microsoft actually cares about this situation, or even thinks about it, you can be assured they don’t. They have washed their hands of this 100% in their minds.

    –You should settle in for a lenghty unemployment stint in this economy. Speaking of unemployment, go file, technically, you were layed off. You were not an employee at MS, but for the agency that placed you there and unless they can show that you were fired and with good cause you’re entitled to unemployment insurance.

  31. What the hell,…. sorry guy..Now I realized I made right decision….I DO NOT USE WINDOWS and wont…….Linux is far better.
    Bye Microsoft…….

  32. At some point, fecklessness lapses into the bizarre. Did they give briefings, Friday assemblies or something where they warned against this kind of, ahem, nefarious activity in ominous tones? Do they have posters up saying, “no picture taking”?

    I’m not a lawyer, but unless you were specifically warned about this kind of thing, signed some kind of acknowledgement about having been briefed or counseled, I’m pretty sure a decent one could show MS exactly where you want to go today. Could be reinstatement or maybe settlement for wrongful discharge.

    This smacks of violation of First Amendment rights, of a huge corporation smacking down an individual of modest means, more than anything because they have the power to get away with doing so, or think they do. That’s the kind of thing courts realign people and companies’ thinking about all the time.

    It’s really regrettable you got a bum rap over something that could and should’ve been handled with a polite request that you remove the item and not do anything like that again, unless you want to work somewhere else. I’m not suggesting MS or any other employer ought to attempt to pre-emptively censor you that way, only that such an approach would at least have given you fair notice how anal-retentive MS is about it.

    Good luck in finding work. I wonder if SuSE or Red Hat have anything going in your area (heh heh).

    Jerry Spence, are you reading this?

  33. I almost lost my job as well because of my blog. An anonymous person with nefarious goals emailed the link to as many people as he could at my company. Luckily I was allowed to keep my job but I am now under heavy scrutiny which is nearly as bad as being let go. So be careful bloggers. Best of luck Michael.

  34. My condolences on the loss of your job. Maybe there is some small consilation that this story has become quite well known around the internet. good luck in the future, lets hope your future has more to do with apple than microsoft :D


  35. I read about your job situation on MSNBC…which should be fairly surreal to you. It amazes me that in the 21st century, when the assumption is you have the right to free speech, you can so easily get silenced by anyone who takes offense to your comments.

    I am curious though: Why is someone with your knowledge of HTML and CSS not doing work related to the web (for example, as a web designer or webmaster)? Seems you’d have a certain “expert” status if you’ve been writing it since 1996. I noticed you don’t really showcase your level of experience in your resume beyond a passing, off-handed comment in your “skills” section…

    Perhaps you can look into learning more server-side scripting like PHP or even your evil nemesis’ C# language. A combo of server-side scripting experience and XHTML/CSS knowledge would certainly make it more likely for you to get a webmaster position.

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