iPod Rocks!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 15, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I promise not to pierce myself.

Looks like Apple’s gearing up for the holiday season with a new teen-focused website at ipodrocks.

It’s rather cleverly done, if a little uneven. Lots of short little flash-style animations (apparently it’s Flash wrapped inside Quicktime — odd), some short demos of the iPod and how it works, and various “hints and tips” on how to convince your parents to get you an iPod. Some of the iCards that can be sent through the site gave me a laugh — the one I’ve got pictured here was my favorite of the bunch. There are also “help around the home” coupons, a points-for-grades suggestion, and even a small screensaver featuring the dancing silhouettes from the recent iPod ads listed as “subliminal advertising”.

I’ve already noticed iPod ads on quite a few of the buses around the Seattle area. Looks like we’re going to be seeing a lot of those bright iPod ads over the coming months.

(via MacRumors)

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