Exploring the new Seattle Library

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on January 1, 2004). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Seattle’s library system has been in something of a state of flux ever since I moved down here. Just about the time I came down, the central public library moved into a temporary space just a couple blocks down 8th street from my apartment, across from the Seattle Convention Center. The old building was torn down, and construction began on the new library building.

As I’ve watched the new library building go up over the months, I’ve always been more or less confused by what I was seeing. Lots of diagonals, parts of the building jutting over other parts — it looked interesting, but it just didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Seattle's new library

Today, though, thanks to a pointer from mahalie, I finally have some idea at what I’ve been looking at all these months — and not only does it make sense, but I really like what it looks like the end result will be.

It turns out that the Seattle Public Library‘s Libraries for All site has an extensive collection of information on the construction of the new central library, including press releases and meeting minutes dating back to 1998 and continuing throughout the construction process, photographs of the library’s construction, and something I’d been wondering about for ages — a floor by floor breakdown of the new building.

Suddenly, it all makes sense, and where before all I’d seen was a confusing jumble of girders and construction equipment, now I can see where all this is likely to end up. According to the status report the grand opening is tentatively set for May 23, 2004 — and you can bet I’ll be there to finally see the end result.