Things are slowly starting to return to a semblance of normality as the weather warms up and all the snow starts to melt. However, slowly is definitely they key word. The promised warm temperatures that were supposed to melt everything away overnight never quite materialized, instead bringing us freezing rain. Today we’ve got more rain, so the town is blanketed in half-melted snow, slush, huge puddles, all on top of still-icy streets.
I won’t be surprsied at all if today turns out to have more accidents, simply because since it’s not snowing, people will think that they can drive normally. Conditions like this certainly don’t make for safe driving, though, and it’s my bet that quite a few people will be figuring that out over the course of the day.
Meanwhile, as a pedestrian/bus rider, I’m stuck with slogging through slushy sidewalks, wading through ever-growing puddles (storm drains designed for Seattle’s usual rain don’t work nearly as well when clogged with snow and slush), and trying to avoid being splashed by drivers who go tearing through the puddles. I swear some of these people actually drive in the gutter on purpose when they see some poor sap slogging along on the sidewalk! Shmoes.