Well, I was a bit of an idiot and walked out of the building without my bus pass today, so I’m going to be a bit late for work (which they’re okay with — when I called them, a three-alarm fire next door complete with road closures, some of which are still in effect, counted as a reasonable excuse for being a bit distracted).
Before I realized that I didn’t have my pass on me, though, I passed a TV news crew either filming a report for later or broadcasting live, and overheard the reporter say that Jensonia residents were only being let in the building to retrieve personal belongings, and that the Red Cross is going to be assisting them find places to live. Sounds like the Jensonia finally got shut down.
Now, off to find the next bus to Georgetown…
Update: According to this KOMO report, the building isn’t permanently shut down, though it is closed off for the next few days due to fire, smoke, and water damage.