Today sucks

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 11, 2004). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

It’s all of 2pm, and I’m having an amazingly shitty day.

First, iPhoto corrupts its library, so all 3500 photos need to be re-imported and re-named.

Then iTunes corrupts its library, losing all ratings and play count data.

Now, both of those are more on the annoying side than anything of really major importance — the data is still there, just not as conveniently organized as I might like it. Frustrating, but not that big of a deal, all told.

The crowning moment so far, though, was getting so engrossed in reading The Stranger‘s’Marriage Issue‘ that when the bus comes, I stand up, get on, and sit down…

…then realize halfway to work and ten minutes later that I left my bookbag at the bus stop at 2nd and Spring.


Items lost include:

  1. The bookbag itself: just a bookbag, but a nice one, and one I got for free during my months at Microsoft, complete with Microsoft logo embroidered on the flap.
  2. One necktie. Eeeh. No biggie.
  3. The book I was reading, which wasn’t even mine, but was loaned to me by Prairie. A minor annoyance, but books can be re-bought, so I’m not terribly worried about that.
  4. My \$300 (at time of purchase) Kodak DX3500 digital camera. Shit.

Work let me bail out as soon as I got there and take a cab back downtown to see if by any chance someone had turned my bag into the building that the bus stop is in front of, but (as I expected), no dice. A quick swing by home to pick up another tie and verify that my camera really was in the bag and not on my desk, and now I’m just waiting for the next bus back to work.

So, I’ve managed to be a complete and total idiot and lose my camera.

I guess it’s time to start saving….