Personality bits and pieces

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on September 7, 2004). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

The Republic of T pointed me to a (more serious than most) personality test, which diagnosed me as a ‘Type C’ personality, which I’d never heard of before.

Far from being a Type A, you possess many of the characteristics of a Type C personality. Type C persons tend to have either an “everybody must win” attitude to life with “Live and Let Live” as their credo, or they have a more flaccid and submissive slant to their personality. Whatever the case may be, you seem to lack the drive that could help you achieve your goals.


In the past, I’ve tested (online) as a Myers-Briggs iSfP (and got the same score again in a Trek-flavored version).

I’ve often semi-seriously joked that one of the things I’m proudest of in my life is narrowly avoiding becoming the über-stereotypical basement-dwelling pathologically introverted “geek” by discovering at one point that not only did I actually have a personality, but that it was apparently a rather pleasant one. This ended up putting me in the rather rare position[*] of being a geek who can generally cope fairly effectively with the real world — while I never dove into actual programming, I’m equally at ease working with HTML and CSS (or fighting with extremely entry-level Apache configuration commands, Perl or PHP, though I more often lose those battles) as I am going out to a dance club and bouncing the night away; or kicking back and having hilariously poorly informed late-night conversations about politics, music, religion, sexual habits, movies, philosophy, or whatever else might come up with whatever random characters happen to be at whatever diner I’m at.

All this made the Girl’s Guide to Geek Guys that much more entertaining, especially when I passed the link to Prairie. While my band and concert shirts greatly outnumber my software and tech shirts, once you get into things like the Trek obsession and my culinary habits…well, we both agreed that there were a fair amount of similarities there.

Wherever my personality is tested at, it’s one I’m pretty comfortable with, though, and — for me, at least — that’s the most important part.

[*]{#ps} Update: Upon re-reading this, I’m afraid it may have come across more egotistical than I meant it. I’m sure that “geeks with personalities” aren’t really all that rare at all — in fact, from the quality of many of the weblogs I read, I expect that there are a lot out there, many of whom are probably more well rounded than I am. I guess it’s just easy to succumb to stereotypes, even when one borders on that stereotype oneself.

iTunes “Enjoy the Silence (The Quad: Final)” by Depeche Mode from the album Singles 86>98 (1998, 15:25).