My Life by Mike Hanscom
My name is Mike Hanscom. I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 3rd, 1973. (“WAAAAAAA” “My baby! I’ll call him Mike!”)
When I was 3 years old my hyperactive baby brother was born. His name is Kevin. (“WAAAAAAA” “Another one! And he’s hyperactive! I’ll call him Kevin!”)
I have been taken out of school early 2 years in a row! Once for an early vacation and once for my grandfathers funeral. I hope I am taken out early this year also.
I am currently a 6th grader in Mr. Buesselers class at Scenic Park School. I am 11 years old and I still have a hyperactive younger brother. My current hobbies are reading, building models, reading, playing Intellivision, and reading.
Next year I will be going to Wendler Junior High School. I might go to college in Hawaii. (“More homework!” “Welcome Hawaii!”)
I don’t know what I want to be. Over the years I have wanted to be everything from a steamroller driver to the President. Now I would like to be an expert computer programmer.
I would like to marry a girl who shares the same interests as I do. Mostly, I guess I’d like to marry a girl who wants to marry me. I’d like to have two kids, maybe three. I would not like a dozen kids! (“I now pronounce you man and wife!”)
When I get older, I would like to get into the Book of World Records with my friend Royce Williams for collecting the most Bloom County comic strips.
When I die, I’d like to start a family tradition of when someone dies, their ashes are put in a box and stored in a small hut behind our house.