I’ve made it to the end of my first week on “banking hours”, and you know…I think I just might be able to get used to this. While I’m still definitely no great morning person, it hasn’t been quite as difficult forcing myself out of bed when the alarm goes off at 6:30am as I was afraid it might, and I’m definitely enjoying both getting off work at 5pm and working this close to home. These days, I can walk out of work, hit the corner store on the way back to the apartment, and still be home by 5:15pm. Not bad at all.
The job’s been interesting this week, too. As my new position is primarily administrative and organizational — accepting jobs from the company I’m placed at, setting them up, and then sending them off to one of our main stores to be printed, after which they’re returned to me and I deliver them to the clients — I’ve been spending each day with a few hours at the new position and a few hours at one of the two stores I’ll be working most closely with, to give me some time to meet the people I’ll be working with when I send orders over for printing. Many of these people I’d spoken do on the phone at one time or another, but it’s been good to put faces to names, and to spend some time getting to know them a bit better than just over the phone.
Another benefit I’ve found to having evenings open — socialization! When I was getting off work at 9pm and not making it home until around 10:15pm on my old schedule, there just wasn’t a whole lot going on outside of the bar or club circuit (which I enjoy, but I’m not about to do every night). With real evenings free, though, there are a lot more opportunities. Wednesday evening I got together with some of the guys from work at the Elysian brewery up the street (though I’ve never been a beer drinker, the food and soda were just fine), and last night Rick came over and hung out for a while. Aside from my evenings out at the Vogue or Prairie coming in on the weekends, I’ve had something of a hermit life for the past few years since I moved down to Seattle — maybe it’s about time for that to change, huh?
All in all, while the mornings are still a little rough, I think this is definitely going to be a positive change.
“Candyman Collapse (Radio Version)” by Connelly, Chris from the album Afterburn: Wax Trax! Records ’94 and Beyond (1994, 3:55).