Another 360° panoramic photograph from my recent vacation. This time, I’m standing on one end of a pedestrian overpass on Muldoon road, just beyond the curve where Muldoon becomes Tudor (the curve can be seen on the extreme left and right of the image).
My parents’ house, where I lived from mid-3^rd^ grade until I moved out when I was 18, is hidden beyond the trees just to the left of the tree in the foreground towards the right side of the image. The Chugach mountains rise just beyond our housing area, giving it its name of Chugach Foothills. The houses in the mid-ground in front of the mountains went up during one of the housing development booms while I was in high school. Mostly obscured by the tree on the right of the image is a large park, often used for summertime soccer games.
Were you to follow Muldoon Road to the far northern end (a few miles beyond where it disappears in this photo), you’d end up at my alma matter, Bartlett High School. While I moved to Seattle just a few months before my 10-year reunion and didn’t go, my friend Royce was there (while he graduated in ’90, his girlfriend Stephanie was in my graduating class) and snagged me a Class of 1991 10-year reunion T-shirt which he gave me while I was visiting.
As with the Lake Spenard photo, there is a QTVR photo in the extended entry for this post (I do it this way so that modem users like my parents don’t have to download the 2 MB QTVR movie when they load the main page).