It appears that last night when I was adding the latest batch of spam URLs to MT-Blacklist’s blacklist, I inadvertently added one entry that was just the string “tp:
“. Now, I have no idea what that string is, or where it pops up in adding comments, but apparently Because that string pops up in any URL (http://…
) that ended up blocking all comments that included a URL, including in the author info fields, across all of the sites on my server.
This has been corrected, and comments now appear to be functioning correctly again. Thanks to Kirsten for pointing this out when she mentioned that comments with curse words were being blocked.
Curse words?
My goodness — just what kind of foul-mouthed people do I associate with, anyway? Shocking, I tell you!
Little fuckers.
“Chao-wera” by ¡TchKunG! from the album Post World Handbook (1996, 12:03).