Halloween Weekend

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on October 30, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Erk. Forgot that daylight savings time kicked in (out?) today, and got up an hour early. Meh. Could’ve had that extra hour in bed!

Hit the_vogue last night with Prairie, joined the table with gracesine, newwavegirlie, Aaron, and a couple other people that I didn’t catch the names of. So many wonderful costumes last night — all the schoolgirls in our group looked very cute, anzu looked great as a victorian schoolmarm (until she took off the coat and breasts popped everywhere…still looked very cute, just not quite as schoolmarm-ish)…while I got a laugh out of a guy who showed up dressed as a World Trade Center tower (very very wrong…but funny), Trish was wearing her Strawberry Shortcake outfit — and let me tell you, you have’t seen Strawberry Shortcake until you’ve seen her in red leather 20-eye Docs and a vinyl (satin?) corset that had her millimeters away from popping out of it.

Unfortunately, I’d neglected to bring my camera along for the night, so no pictures of the various costumes this year.

The only downside to the night was a higher than usual jerk quotient (mostly the group that invaded directly behind our table, who were loud, obnoxious, pushy, spilled drinks on newwavegirlie and gracesine, and at one point sent a cloud of horribly noxious cigar smoke across us…ick…before they were told to put it out). Prairie and I decided that we’d had all the fun we could stand around 11:20pm and came home to relax with an episode of X-Files before bed.

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