Wishlist time!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 30, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Seeing how it’s less than a month before Christmas and we’ve run full-bore into the season of greed and avarice giving, I figured I’d put up my wishlist. Of course, the one thing standing in the way is that for the most part, I really don’t have a wishlist…at least, not a serious one.

As far as wishlists go, there generally seem to be two basic types: the more serious “these are things I’d enjoy having because they’d be useful and good to have”, and the more frivolous “these are things I want because I’m a greedy boy and they’re cool”. Needless to say, I’ve always been far better at creating the second type of list.

So, in all seriousness, I’d be quite happy with good wishes, hugs from friends, and other such low-cost things. Socks are often good, as is clothing (preferably black, of course) — I’m long past the stage where I’d look down on getting clothing as opposed to “stuff”. As big a fan as I am of “stuff”…clothing’s just more practical, and at some point along the line I became mature enough to actually realize this. In other words, I don’t need anything.

However. If you’re in more of a mood to get me “stuff,” I’m not about to complain. ;)

My current “stuff” list tends to vary wildly by the month (or day, or even moment), but I have been occasionally tossing items into my Amazon Wishlist for a while now. What follows, then, is a rundown of what’s on my wishlist as of today, going from more realistic (that is, cheaper) on up to the wildly unrealistic (in some ways my favorite category, as the amount that I covet something seems to be inversely proportionate to the chance of my actually ever getting it).




Camera Stuff

(Admittedly, all the accessories are pretty much dependent upon actually having the camera itself to attach them to…so I’ve put the camera first on this section.)

Computer Stuff

3 thoughts on “Wishlist time!”

  1. Hehe…good eye! Yeah — a side effect to working at a camera store and actually being able to play with all the toys every day. I’ve found myself far more comfortable with Nikon’s offerings than Canon’s.

    I’d almost go for the d50, except that the d70s has some features that I like, and uses Compact Flash (which I already have some of), so I wouldn’t need to buy all-new memory. The d200 is fun to drool over (or, at least, will be when it’s actually released), but a bit out of even my dream budget.

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