Going Going Gone (And I Did Nothing Wrong)

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 11, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

My feet aren’t terribly thrilled with me this morning…but the rest of me is quite glad I finally got a chance to go out to the_vogue last night.

Normally I tend to be out dancing at least every other weekend, heading out every weekend when I can swing it. Between working retail during the holiday rush, being sick, and just plain exhaustion, though, it had been over a month since I’d been able to get out and go bouncing. Far too long…

Good night, though. Right about the perfect sized crowd for me…not dead, but not slammed either. Enough people for a good night without having to fight your way onto the dance floor. Said hi to gracesine before she wandered over to the_mercury to meet up with some other friends; chatted for a while at various times with Shawna, sirriamnis, Brooke, Suzanne, Chris, Mikey, Ron, and other occasional random people; and did the usual bouncing around on the dance floor.

Amusing moment of the evening: now that the club is non-smoking, it made the one guy who forgot about the smoking ban really, really obvious as he sat in the corner having a cigarette. Nobody went up to say anything to him until Evan came on the microphone between songs and said, “Welcome to a smoke-free Saturday night at the Vogue….” Suddenly, the guy got a hilarious “Oh, shit!” look on his face and started frantically stubbing out his cigarette. Quite funny.

And…I finally got to bounce around to a song I’ve wanted to hear in a club for a few years now — Information Society’s “Going, Going, Gone (Razed in Black remix)”. I love the original, but this remix makes it just that much better. It took bugging Evan a couple times before he finally got around to playing it right after last call, but he did, it didn’t empty the floor, he liked it, and ogremarco commented that it was a really sweet remix, too.

Hell, I knew it would go over well. ;)

Eventually, back home to sleep, and now up and getting ready for another day in the trenches at the mall. Whee!