Humor in Tragedy

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on February 10, 2006). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I’ve always had a predilection for black humor. It’s a trait that will occasionally raise its head at entirely inappropriate times.

Like today, when I saw the following headline (which has since been replaced on CNN’s site):

Tear gas, gunfire beat back cartoon protesters

All I could see in my head was a Toon Town riot, and I couldn’t help laughing. Wrong, and I’m going to hell…but funny.

(For the record, I think the local Muslim community is doing a far better job of responding to the cartoons than the rioters are. Also, until I read this article, I had no idea that the it was considered blasphemous to portray images of Mohammed. That little piece of information makes the anger at the cartoons a little more understandable to me — but I still in no way believe that the violence that’s taking place is the appropriate response.)

iTunesGroove to Move” by Channel X from the album Technomancer (1996, 5:20).

5 thoughts on “Humor in Tragedy”

  1. “I had no idea that the it was considered blasphemous to portray images of Mohammed.”

    It is? Isn’t there a statue of Mohammed in front of the Supreme Court?
    Isn’t there a nasty picture of Mohammed in Dante’s Inferno?

    It seems….Like the rabbid right they pick and choose what ‘offends’ them while leaving others things unmentioned?

  2. It’s funny how 99% of the rioters are angry young men. I don’t see any middle-aged rioters at all. (And I won’t even mention women.)

    I wonder how many of these angry young men actually care about the pictures, or if they just saw an opportunity to vent anger at their shitty situations.

  3. …and another observation: how all the talking Muslim heads on TV and in papers never state what particular sect they actually belong to.

    That’s like having Mel Gibson as spokesman for the entire Christianity.

  4. Most of these maniacs haven’t seen the cartoons. You need to understand how the arab/muslims/fanatic street works… they were ACTIVELY LOOKING for something to insult them. They need this sort of action to retain control over the ignorant masses that riot and run around burning things (THEY being whatever entity is currently leading them).

    I’ve discussed the whole cartoon issue in detail, but it’s enough to say that the really insulting cartoons were not part of the newspaper’s publication, and were merely added by an Imam before he took them on his rile-up-the-muslim-world tour of 2006. It’s a disgusting tactic, and is proof enough that this whole thing was planned, and is not simply a “clash of cultures” as it’s being promoted.

    They say all positive change throughout history has come at a great cost, I wonder how many will have to die this time, before the muslim world (or the “fanatic” segment of it) rejoins society.

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