On Coining Euphemisms

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 1, 2006). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

Just a quick word of advice.

When deciding to coin a euphemism, one might want to find out if the phrase in question has already been appropriated for something else.

For example, this discussion in the Flickr Battlestar Galactica group:

spincycle: “…I do think we’ll be getting back to an Adama-Laura conflict/resolution story fairly soon (either this season or early next). They’ve been chummy lately, time to toss that salad a bit.”

Gaudior: “I’d like to see them ‘toss the salad’ (my new euphamism)!”

Hee. I’m amused.

For those not in the know, ‘toss the salad’ is already a euphemism for a particular sex act. Here’s a slightly Not Safe For Work definition (no nudity, just text descriptions of a non-mainstream kink).

iTunesDel Davis Tree Farm” by Primus from the album Tales from the Punchbowl (1996, 3:23).

5 thoughts on “On Coining Euphemisms”

  1. That’s odd, I’m a perv and I didn’t know that?

    When growing up ‘To Toss’ just about anything from cookies to lunch to salad was meant to have thrown up.

    For example
    Sorry I can’t eat right now, I tossed my salad about a half hour ago and I’m still a bit queazy.

    You can bet I’ll never say that again!

  2. And for another mistake, it’s “queasy”…but that wasn’t you so we’ll let it slide.

    So, um, HOW exactly did you already know that one?

  3. Heh…many years of having friends who delighted in finding new and unusual ways to gross each other out. I’m not much into most kinks myself, but there are relatively few that I haven’t heard of or joked about at one point or another.

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