The Perils of Being Blogged

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on May 23, 2006). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I got an amusing little story from Xebeth yesterday that she’s granted me permission to pass on…

Must make this quick…. Out in the [doctor’s] waiting room- I am typing away on blog and then zoom to your site to see what’s new (love those pics!), when guy next to me goes-

“That’s the numbnut from Microsoft- right??”

I just kind of stare.

“Sorry- probably rude of me- but is that the guy who got in trouble for taking pictures and posting them on his website.”

I have to admit- I was dying at this point. “Yes. Michael Hanscom.”

“You actually know him??” Guy is now turning my computer towards him.

DO I EVER?! I think what I really said was more like, “Very close friend of mine.”

Guy now takes my hand and starts shaking it. “Well pleasure to meet you. Tell your friend I think he is great. I read his website everyday. I think he got hosed. Cool guy, seems nice. Hold it!”

At this point I am a little scared. I take back hand. “Hold what?”

“You look familiar!!!” Oh dear god- please no- not in the hospital….

Pickles!! PAP SMEAR!! I loved that!”

Yep darlin’, you’ve made me famous. Not as famous as you of course, but famous…!

Apparently there are occasionally some interesting side effects to knowing me and being mentioned on here! Too funny.

Oh, and hello to my mysterious reader! Rude or not, I’ll certainly not be one to disput the ‘numbnut’ label for that particular adventure. ;)