At some point over the past few days, it appears that someone ducked into our car after we’d forgotten to lock the doors. Thankfully, they didn’t take much — what they did take was this cute little monkey.
She’d been the mascot for the car for the last year and a half, so it was a bummer to see that she’d gone missing (though a relief that nothing else was taken). Our best bet is that some kid saw us getting out, ducked in, and grabbed the cute lil’ monkey, but didn’t want to take the time to go through the rest of the car.
So — should anyone in the Seattle area happen to see some nefarious monkeynapper with our lil’ monkey, feel free to kick them. Hard. In the shin.
(If the guilty party happens to read this, Prairie would like you to at least please remember to pet the monkey’s nose. She likes that.)
“I Am Streched On Your Grave” by O’Connor, Sinéad from the album So Far…The Best of Sinéad O’Connor (1990, 5:35).
Bummer. I’m sorry.
Love to you both