That was seriously one of the strangest things I’ve ever had in my mouth.
— Prairie, after I convinced her to try tapioca pudding.
She wasn’t impressed. Actually, she didn’t even get through more than two tiny little bites (she says they were spoonfulls, but she barely dented the top of the pudding cup).
Admittedly, it probably didn’t help that part of why she’d never had tapioca before was because her mom detests it, and would involuntarily shudder every time it was mentioned. And, my comparing it to frogs eggs, or holding up a spoon full, looking at it, and commenting that, “It’s like it’s looking at you, with lots of tiny little eyes,” likely wasn’t much in the way of constructive encouragement.
So no more tapioca for Prairie. That’s alright — it’s all the more for me (which in itself is more than a little odd, as I’m pretty picky about what I eat, and texture is an important part of why I like or dislike something, and as Prairie pointed out, from everything she’s seen me enjoy or turn my nose up at, I should be entirely squicked out by tapioca, and yet, I’m rather fond of it…we figure it’s because I’m a boy, and it’s a good “gross out food”).
“Renegade Soundwave (Leftfield)” by Renegade Soundwave from the album In to the Mix (1994, 7:51).
I never understood why some people can’t eat (as opposed to, don’t like) tapioca pudding. Its pudding! Its not like its something really exotic or rare. Its PUDDING!
Oh well, if you can’t eat it, that just leaves more for me…I love it!.
Dude, if you like tapioca, you have to try tapioca tea (aka milk tea, bubble tea, boba tea). Basically it’s black tea with condensed milk and sugar with sweetened tapioca (black). It’s really popular in Asia, I’m sure you can find it where you live in Chinatown or whatever.
mmm…bubble tea