No final in English (just a final paper that was turned in last week), my History final was yesterday, and my Intro to Programming final was today. I think I annoyed some of the other students (hopefully only mildly) and amused the teacher in the programming class, though — I goofed up the time for the final, and came in half an hour late. Sat down, got the test, and was done in ten minutes. Handed it back to the teacher, who said that I’d probably just set a record, and headed out with three or four students still in their seats. Heh. Oops? ;)
The programming class was a lot easier than I’d expected it to be, actually. While I’ve been working with HTML for years, I’ve always avoided looking into programming because I’m not much good with math and numbers. Since the class was all based around JavaScript, though, I’d spent enough time banging my head against it while futzing around with various website projects over the years that I did better in this class than I’d figured I would.
The teacher also encouraged me to continue on with CSC142 (I think that’s the right number, at least) next quarter, when the classes start working with Java and go into more advanced topics. I’m giving it some serious consideration.