This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on December 20, 2006). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
Prairie’s off on a train down to visit her family down in Vancouver (south), so I’m on my own for a couple of days. Probably won’t mean much of anything other than a chance to catch up on watching the Battlestar Galactica and Heroes episodes that I’m a couple weeks behind on, and tomorrow night I’ll be heading out to the last Confessional night before The Vogue moves to become the Blacklight.
(Also: assuming I have everything configured correctly, this post — and all forthcoming posts — should automatically crosspost to my LiveJournal account. In theory. We’ll see how that goes.)
Notice you’re using the Livejournal Crosspost plugin for WordPress. Just wanted to give you a heads-up that I had some extremely bad mojo with that plugin — I went and recategorized a bunch of posts on my WordPress install, and it made them completely and utterly disappear because somehow it couldn’t or didn’t sync properly between the LJ install and the WordPress install. That’s not mentioning those times that the wait for posting took forever because of some communication error. I went into it more here.
Just wanted to give you fair warning. If you decide to continue on with the plugin, I’d be interested to know if your experiences end up mirroring, or differing from, mine.
Also, tried e-mailing this to you at the address listed on your About the Author page … but got a bounceback from saying that ‘’ was an unknown e-mail address.
Hmmm…interesting. I’ll keep that in mind — while I’m not planning on recategorizing, should I ever do that, I’ll disable LJXP first. I’d already made sure to tell it not to automatically cross post all my existing entries when I first set it up…somehow, I just wasn’t comfortable with letting it try to handle fiddling with that much information.
I’ve seen quite a few other people using it, though, and so far it’s doing what I want it to, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed and keep going. ;)
snerk Oh, jeez…yeah, that addy hasn’t been good in ages. I’ll go fix that…
It did the crossposting fine for me … I even managed to (carefully, so I know it wasn’t the cause of my woes) go into the code to remove the section that inserts the “this is a reprint from such-and-such a weblog” code.
It’s just that when I did configuration changes such as what I described, it had effects that actually had a destructive effect that caused WordPress to behave in an extremely odd way but that was, fortunately enough, reversible — but not without some extra work. I suppose that’s why I caution against it.
If you’re a paid LJ user, you might want to consider the alternative of create a LiveJournal based off of your syndicated feed.