Not overheard by me, unfortunately, just too bizarre and funny not to share. This is ganked directly from overheardsea on LiveJournal:
Select lines from a guy having a very long conversation with what I believe was his significant other on his cell phone sitting directly behind me [on the #26 bus]:
“I’m on my way to my brother’s to pick up weed, and them I’m going to get a cat at the Humane Shelter.”
“So last night I went to meet up with that couple I told you about. They’re a gay guy and a tranny girl. The interview went real well. They called me back later that same night and said I was their favorite, so things are looking good there.”
“I’m making dinner tonight with my housemates. No, honey! Honey! I told you I was doing this tonight! Well, we’ll have to play really quickly in the bathroom tonight because I have to be there for the dinner. I love you, too.”
Yep…that’s Seattle….ahhh I miss it. And to think I soon may be making a move to Cap Hill to manage a building :) So exciting. Anyhow, how’s life?
Sorry — I’ll have to remember to keep my voice down when I’m on the bus.