Week twenty-eight of my unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing regular Twitch broadcasts, now on Saturday afternoons. These are the results. Anything goes.
- Material, Mantra (Praying Mantra)
- Beats Antique feat. Eva Salina, Nasvalo
- Sarah McLachlan, Fear (Lunasol)
- Flying White Dots, Kill Phil
- Bobby Martini, Lullaby in Your Eyes
- Sin.Sin feat. Helalyn Flowers, Blacklist (Aiboforcen)
- Peter Gabriel, Games Without Frontiers (Massive/DB)
- Enigma, Sadeness Part 1 (Hot Tracks)
- De/Vision, Be A Light to Yourself (Flashlight)
- Night Club, Dear Enemy
- Björk, Alarm Call
- Pretty and Twisted, Come Away With Me
- Peter Murphy, I’ll Fall With Your Knife
- Kendrick Lamar, All the Stars
- Delerium, Flowers Become Screens (Edit)
- Curve, Faît Accompli (Extended)
- Saint Etienne, Filthy
- Louisahhh!!!, Change
- Daft Punk, End of Line (Photek)
- Depeche Mode, It’s No Good (Hardfloor)
- MC 900 Ft. Jesus with DJ Zero, Truth is Out of Style (12″)
- Billie Holiday, Spreadin’ Rhythm Around (Lady Bug vs. Lady Day RR)