Difficult Listening Hour 2020.09.12

Week twenty-eight of my unplanned, unrehearsed, seat-of-the-pants goofing around. As a way of getting back into practice and doing something regularly, I’ve started doing regular Twitch broadcasts, now on Saturday afternoons. These are the results. Anything goes.

  1. Material, Mantra (Praying Mantra)
  2. Beats Antique feat. Eva Salina, Nasvalo
  3. Sarah McLachlan, Fear (Lunasol)
  4. Flying White Dots, Kill Phil
  5. Bobby Martini, Lullaby in Your Eyes
  6. Sin.Sin feat. Helalyn Flowers, Blacklist (Aiboforcen)
  7. Peter Gabriel, Games Without Frontiers (Massive/DB)
  8. Enigma, Sadeness Part 1 (Hot Tracks)
  9. De/Vision, Be A Light to Yourself (Flashlight)
  10. Night Club, Dear Enemy
  11. Björk, Alarm Call
  12. Pretty and Twisted, Come Away With Me
  13. Peter Murphy, I’ll Fall With Your Knife
  14. Kendrick Lamar, All the Stars
  15. Delerium, Flowers Become Screens (Edit)
  16. Curve, Faît Accompli (Extended)
  17. Saint Etienne, Filthy
  18. Louisahhh!!!, Change
  19. Daft Punk, End of Line (Photek)
  20. Depeche Mode, It’s No Good (Hardfloor)
  21. MC 900 Ft. Jesus with DJ Zero, Truth is Out of Style (12″)
  22. Billie Holiday, Spreadin’ Rhythm Around (Lady Bug vs. Lady Day RR)