This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2020). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.
Since I’ll hit 20 years of blogging this November, this year I’m posting a daily list of anything I published on this day in the past.
There are 24 posts previously published on November 21st
- 2023
- Year 50 Day 203 I haven’t gotten stuck in one of the elevators yet… ➡
- 2022
- Goodbye Twitter I'd been debating it for a while, but as of tonight, I'm stepping away from Twitter. ➡
- 2021
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2021). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.📚 46/2021: A Secret Guide to Fighting Elder Gods edited by ... Read more ➡
- 2020
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2020). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.All he wanted was to never have to deal with another ... Read more ➡
- On This Day: Nov 21 Recognizing 20 years of blogging, here are my past posts from November 21 ➡
- 2019
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2019). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Five Senators Join the Fight to Learn Just How Bad Ring ... Read more ➡
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2019). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Every scan they had run on the canister since they’d unearthed ... Read more ➡
- 2017
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2017). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.First time playing with the portrait mode selfie camera. Not too ... Read more ➡
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2017). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Oooh…new toy! #iphonex ➡
- 2016
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2016). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.The events immediately preceding the taking of this photo need not ... Read more ➡
- In Regards to Our Company’s New Phone Plan 'Now, some of you are complaining that you don’t feel safe working with a phone that could randomly explode on any given day.’ ➡
- Word of the Day: Kakistocracy Kakistocracy: Government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power. ➡
- Not alt-right, just neo-Nazi I’m far from the only person to be noting this, but I’m continually annoyed by the willingness of people to accept the term ‘alt-right’ rather than just calling these people out for what they are: neo-Nazis. ➡
- 2015
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2015). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.You can tell it’s a theater night, because we’re getting FroYo ... Read more ➡
- 2014
- This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on November 21, 2014). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.Off to find lunch, stopped outside the Moscone Event Center. Probably ... Read more ➡
- 2009
- No More Mercury for Me As a former smoker, I never wanted to be one of “those” self-righteous ex-smokers. However, sometimes, even the most high-minded of us can give into temptation… ➡
- 2008
- To Blu or Not To Blu? With the jump to an HDTV comes the jump to HD programming. Day-to-day entertainment will come courtesy of Comcast -- we're already getting our cable through them, so we'll just upgrade that to the minimum possible digital/HD package. For movies, though, we're doing a bit of back-and-forth. ➡
- Links for November 20th through November 21st Sometime between November 20th and November 21st, I thought this stuff was interesting. You might think so too! ➡
- 2007
- 2006
- Storm Season Wow -- in the past few minutes, there have been three thunderclaps loud enough to rattle the windows, and now we've got hail pelting down like crazy, plus the wind and rain that you can expect for a storm like this. ➡
- Teen Repellent Here's a site that has a selection of a few different ultrasonic ring tones at various frequencies, from 8 kHz up to 22.4 kHz, so you can test your own hearing abilities and see if you'd be able to hear (or be annoyed by) the tones. ➡
- 2005
- Folksonomy tag support added One of the things I've wanted to add to my site for quite a while now has finally been added: tagging, along the lines of or Flickr. Admittedly, I still have a ways to go in getting all my old entries correctly tagged, but that will come with time. For now, they're showing up in a few places. ➡
- 2004
- A 10-acre tombstone An amazing and sad story in today's Seattle Times looks at the construction on the Hood Canal bridge, which has run into snags after uncovering what's possibly one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the Seattle area. ➡
- 2001
- ‘Twas the night before – Thanksgiving? Most of the past couple days have been distinguished by battles with my PC. Apparently it figured out that I'm about to gut it and give it a full transfusion -- and the fool thing is pissed at me. ➡