Year 50 Day 229

Me sitting in our living room with a slightly pained smile on my face.

Day 229: Shingles vaccine effects update: Oh, damn. Ow.

So, normally I’m what my wife has termed an “insensitive mutant”. When it’s time to get my annual flu or (now) Covid shot, I show up, get poked, and go along with life. I rarely even have much arm soreness to deal with.

This time, though? Uff. I got the vaccines yesterday at about 3 p.m. (both Covid and shingles), and though I definitely felt the shingles shot going in and got the arm soreness, other than that, I felt fine through the rest of the day until bedtime.

This morning we woke up about 6 a.m., and I still felt fine. I commented to my wife that I didn’t trust that, though, given what I’d heard from other people…and I’m glad I went that route instead of crowing about my insensitive mutant status.

We went through our morning and headed off for our grocery shopping rounds, and by 9 a.m. I was definitely feeling some generalized all-over body ache. Nothing too severe, just a general sense of discomfort — I compared it to the Monday after convention weekend and feeling the effects of barely stopping moving for four days. Uncomfortable, but bearable.

But by the time we got home, put the groceries away, noon rolled around and we had lunch, the aches had just kept going, and suddenly all energy just disappeared. Since my wife was also feeling the effects of her vaccinations (flu and Covid), we decided it was nap time, crawled into bed, and promptly passed out for a couple hours.

Post-nap, we’re both still achy and exhausted, so initial dinner plans, which actually involved cooking, have been put on hold in favor of ordering good Indian delivery.

And I can no longer claim to be an insensitive mutant. (At least, not all the time.) Harrumph.