Year 50 Day 345

Me standing in front of a landscaped area decorated with various bits of pottery. There are vases, a bird bath, and several abstract forms. More pottery is visible in the background across a paved path.

Day 345: Another conference day, and some more exploration of the Green River College campus. Today I found a neat little pottery sculpture garden. Lots of neat pieces tucked away here!

Bonus photos: More shots from the pottery garden.

Pottery sculptures tucked into grasses near the base of a light pole. One looks like an eyeball, another like the BB-8 droid from Star Wars, with vases and urns behind them.

Three abstract plant-like pottery pieces in the foreground, with a grouping of vases visible near the base of a tree in the background.

Several pottery pieces tucked in among low bushes, most of them sculpted heads, with other more abstract forms behind them.