Up and running

Okay, I just got things up and running again. As of right now, everything on my site should be working correctly — now off to bed, I’ve got to get some sleep tonight!


Sorry about the recent downtime (the last couple days or so) — something went seriously glitchy on the machine, and I had to do a system repair on OS X, which nuked the web directory. Thankfully, I’m not a complete idiot, and had backed up the entire site before the repair, and so a quick copy back, and things seem to be up and running again, for the most part.

Unfortunately, the copying has changed read/write permissions on many of the files, and so not all of the interactive elements of the site — such as my messageboards — are working at the moment. I should have those fixed within the next day or two, but it’s a bit late tonight to go digging for the documentation. I’ll post an alert when things work again, of course.

Quick update from Seattle

I’m actually still in the midst of my vacation, but while sitting here at a friends house checking e-mail, I figured I might as well take the opportunity to get a little updating done here. If nothing else, just to get something changing on here to assure people that I am alive, and have survived my travels so far.

I’ve stripped out the last of the manual updates from this mainpage…from now on, all updates and archives of old posts should be handled by this CGI script — assuming I’ve got it set up correctly.

Which may be a pretty big assumption…we’ll see.

In any case, I’m back in town this Thursday, so things should start getting back up to speed sometime around then. See you all soon….


Just a minor change here — took the machine/server/system info box out of the sidebar and created a colophon for the site. Since this isn’t really of major import to most people, it’s not linked in the main Contents listing, but is available through the links at the bottom of the page.

NewsPro up and running

Okay — looks like this is up and running. Rock on. :) From now on, I’ll be using this script to update the main page of the site, rather than diving into my main HTML file every time I need to throw some little thing up here.

I’m really beginning to enjoy actually running my own server more and more as I dive into the tricks I can play…

[From the archives: 5.14.96 1406]

[Note: This was originally written back when I was hand-coding my pages. Original entry is here.]

You know, I just do not pay enough attention to this fool page. (grin) Anyway, another Woody is up at Web Wide Woodys, and I’ve finally started updating my Club Events Schedule again. (shrug) I’ll get back on the ball one of these days…

Public Notice: I am considering nuking just about everything presently on my webspace sometime in the near future, to set up a site for local Anchorage bands. Questions, comments, words of wisdom are appreciated…just e-mail me!

[From the archives: 4.18.96 1419]

[Note: This was originally written back when I was hand-coding my pages. Original entry is here.]

Last night (well, actually a week or two ago, but I just investigated it last night) one of the Woodys told me about the Made with Macintosh campaign promoting websights using Macintosh compters in their design, so I joined the campaign and added the logo to the bottom of my main page. Also finally got around this morning to translating my resume into html format, and it’s up and running. Nifty keen…

[From the archives: 4.3.96 0634]

[Note: This was originally written back when I was hand-coding my pages. Original entry is here.]

Wow. I finally got all this finished, and it took until now for me to do anything else with it. Gerf. Ah, well. What did I do? Well, I found a nifty little place right about here that lets you set up a free counter for your pages, so I put one up on my main page and one up on my Web Wide Woodys page. Wow…let’s see if anyone’s actually stopping by. (grin)