Star Trek: Picard S01E01 Remembrance

Star Trek: Picard S01E01: As wonderful as it is to see Jean-Luc on screen again, and as gorgeous as the episode was, I do have some slight reservations. But this is just episode one, and they had a lot of groundwork to get in place. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the start. 🖖

Spoilers after the jump…

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Childhood me would have loved this Star Trek train set (on pp.130-131)—aside from it being O-scale, where my train set was HO-scale.

Adult me is amused, because on several levels, it doesn’t make much sense. But I like it anyway.

Short Treks E10: “Children of Mars”: A curious and moody prequel that sets up a bit of backstory, but mostly won’t really fall into place until Picard starts. Guessing that “synths” might be androids based on Romulan experiments with Borg technology? 🖖

📚 two of 2020: Encounter at Farpoint, by David Gerrold ⭐️⭐️⭐️

A fairly straight adaptation, only a few notable differences from the broadcast episode. As a friend noted, quite amused by the descriptions of men (competence, personality) and women (they’re hot!). 🖖

📚 sixty-two of 2019: Enterprise, by Vonda N. McIntyre. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

An earlier look at Kirk’s first mission after talking command of the Enterprise. Very different characterizations of the crew—and the Klingons—than what we now know…but then, it was 1986. 🖖

📚 sixty-one of 2019: Dead Endless, by Dave Galanter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Focuses on the Stamets/Culber relationship, in a creative manner that’s a little confusing for the first few chapters until it suddenly snaps into focus. Some great Tilly and Airiam moments as well.