And here’s the last of the kids here today, nephew Leo!
Photos, usually taken by me. May be mirrored or imported from other services.
My newest niece, Sadie Opal!
And here’s Nalah’s little sister, almost-three-year-old Finn!
Me and my just-turned-five niece Nalah!
Whether you see this as Valentine’s Day, S.A.D. (Single’s Awareness Day), or just another day on the calendar, I hope you have a good one!
Watching more downloaded Olympics while I exercise, but this event was recorded off of Swedish TV. Can’t understand the commentary, but they still sound like sports commentators. Sadly, not a single “börk börk börk!”
Turned into a gorgeous day, 48 degrees and snow melting off everywhere, and the sun is even above the hills at 5PM! Are we sure it’s not spring yet?
I will have my chocolate tonight! (Not the whole thing, though.)
She’s nekkid! I’m shocked; shocked, I tell you!
Best part of snow: living on a cul-de-sac after the plows come through. King of the hill!