
…track. Not only are Pixar’s commentaries generally among the best that I’ve listened to, they intercut the movie with behind the scenes clips that focus on whatever particular effect, technique,…

Links for June 30th through July 1st

…discussion about Pixar‘s lack of female lead characters (a recurring thread on my blog). 16 Bitchin’ Commands and Shortcuts for Twitter: “I love a shortcut, and regularly make use of…

Links for June 26th through June 27th

…layouts use percentage widths and relative positioning, and they work with all the common web browsers including Safari on the iPhone and iPod touch. What’s the Best Pixar Movie of…

MacWorld Expo '03 Keynote

Pixar in iMovie. One-button transfer of projects from iMovie to iDVD, automatically moves everyting into iDVD including chapter markers. iDVD 3 released today. 24 new menu themes integrating menu choices…