Belinda rocks!

Just a quick note to say that Belinda is all sorts of cool, and that I hereby bestow instant celebrity status upon her (at least among the five or so people that read my website). :D

That’s it for the moment…just had to get that done. I’m a bit late in mentioning it, is all.


I’m online! It’s slow (dialup connection currently connected at 46.6 kbps), it’s not under my name yet (Casey let me borrow his username so I could get on and get to Speakeasy‘s site to set up my own account), and it’s not on the mac (I picked up a modem to slap in the PC at Fred Meyer) — but I’m up! It’s a start….

XP sucks!

XP sucks!I got sent this image (click for a larger version) tonight. According to the site it was posted at, this is a truely genius piece of work — someone actually managed to scale up to wherever the sign is and alter it. In other words, this isn’t just some joker with Photoshop at work — this is a real-world hack job. Just wonderful…goes to show that there still are some truly cool people in the world.

Enterprise: Civilization

It’s been a couple days since the most recent Enterprise episode, “Civilization“, and I hadn’t been able to come up with much to say about it. After working on it for a bit, I think it’s just because there really isn’t much to say — while it wasn’t a really bad episode, it certainly wasn’t really good, and was definitely nothing new. It basically felt like a retread of episodes that every Star Trek series have done at least once or twice at some point during their run, all around the same “Enterprise officers interacting with a primitive society, trying to hide, and failing miserably” theme. Decently done, but not exactly treading new ground.

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