note 2 lamerz

Part of me really hopes that this is a joke. But if it’s not, then if I ever run into any problems designing my website, it’s nice to know that I can turn to DAVES WEB SERVICCES (“note 2 lamerz: serious enquiris only plz”) for help.

Plans always change

Well, I was going to go see Daniel Ash at the Crocodile tonight, but unfortunately, due to a car crash, that’s been postponed for a month and a half. Bummer. I’ll be looking forward to that show when it rolls around, though — Daniel has at various times been parts of Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, Tones on Tail, and has had his own solo career. Hopefully the crash wasn’t too bad — I’m guessing not, since they’ve already got a rescheduled date of April 22nd, should be a cool show.

So, rather than that, it looks like there’s a fair crew of people heading out to The Vogue. I’m going to meet up with Gail, a friend that I’ve met in Yahoo! Chat and meet and get some food (we were going to meet at the concert tonight, but since that’s been cancelled…). Then, off to the Vogue to meet up with Chad, Rick, and our friend Megan who’s another expatriate Alaskan now living and going to school in Portland. Candice should be showing up around midnight or so after she’s done with a babysitting job that she’s at right now. Should be a fun night!

More archive tweaks

I spent some time this morning doing some more tweaking, trying to get the archives into a more useable and user-friendly format. The current layout has a calendar for the current month displayed, with any day that I’ve made a post as a clickable link that will take you to that day’s posts in the archive files. Underneath the calendar are links to the monthly archive pages dating back to Nov. 2000. The ‘full archives’ link underneath that links to a page listing every post I’ve made, split up into categories in a table. On that page, the header for each table will take you to the full category archive (these pages can be huge, though), and the individual post links will take you directly to each post on its own.

Hopefully this will make digging through my archives a bit easier (in case there’s anyone here quite crazy enough to bother).

The Times regrets both incidents

Even the New York Times can make mistakes.

In yesterday’s issue, The New York Times did not report on riots in Milan and the subsequent murder of the lay religious reformer Erlembald. These events took place in 1075, the year given in the dateline under the nameplate on Page 1. The Times regrets both incidents.

— New York Times, March 11, 1975

True patriots

True patriots do not blindly accept all that comes from Washington D.C., Juneau, etc., regardless (nor, for that matter, rejects regardless). True patriots work toward the mending of flaws, putting self-control on our government, and making sure our laws are ones of liberty.

— John Hanscom

Seattle snow

This is all sorts of entertaining, as an ex-Alaskan living down here — a rare early March snowstorm is more or less shutting western Washington down. I can understand, as Seattle has hills that Anchorage doesn’t…but it’s still pretty entertaining to see all this after an inch or two of snow. Right now there’s pictures on the morning news of the West Seattle bridge backed up after two Metro buses jackknifed, and people have been abandoning their cars along the sides of the highways and walking.