Well, I think I can fairly safely say that this has been about the best Thanksgiving weekend I can remember in quite a long time.
(Day after) Thanksgiving, Part 2
(I’d mentioned earlier that I had two posts planned for Thanksgiving. I didn’t get around to putting them up Thanksgiving day, so they go up today, instead.)
Things I’m thankful for:
(Day after) Thanksgiving, Part 1
(I’d mentioned earlier that I had two posts planned for Thanksgiving. I didn’t get around to putting them up Thanksgiving day, so they go up today, instead.)
A Thanksgiving Prayer
by William S. Burroughs
‘Twas the night before – Thanksgiving?
Well, it is. Lots of creatures stirring, though — and since they’re not content with just stirring, apparently shooting bottle rockets off outside my window is the next best alternative. Hrmpf.
Belinda rocks!
Just a quick note to say that Belinda is all sorts of cool, and that I hereby bestow instant celebrity status upon her (at least among the five or so people that read my website). :D
That’s it for the moment…just had to get that done. I’m a bit late in mentioning it, is all.
Junet and Caro, ‘shrooms, and small worlds
Been a good weekend. Not very eventful overall, much of it I just spent at the Shoebox relaxing and revelling in being connected to the net, but there were a few nice perks.
I’m online! It’s slow (dialup connection currently connected at 46.6 kbps), it’s not under my name yet (Casey let me borrow his username so I could get on and get to Speakeasy‘s site to set up my own account), and it’s not on the mac (I picked up a modem to slap in the PC at Fred Meyer) — but I’m up! It’s a start….
XP sucks!
I got sent this image (click for a larger version) tonight. According to the site it was posted at, this is a truely genius piece of work — someone actually managed to scale up to wherever the sign is and alter it. In other words, this isn’t just some joker with Photoshop at work — this is a real-world hack job. Just wonderful…goes to show that there still are some truly cool people in the world.
Enterprise: Civilization
It’s been a couple days since the most recent Enterprise episode, “Civilization“, and I hadn’t been able to come up with much to say about it. After working on it for a bit, I think it’s just because there really isn’t much to say — while it wasn’t a really bad episode, it certainly wasn’t really good, and was definitely nothing new. It basically felt like a retread of episodes that every Star Trek series have done at least once or twice at some point during their run, all around the same “Enterprise officers interacting with a primitive society, trying to hide, and failing miserably” theme. Decently done, but not exactly treading new ground.
Just a quick quote
Being eaten by a raptor ranks high on my list of inappropriate touching.
— Roger Ebert