Why Attorney General John Ashcroft just might be insane. Admittedly, it’s heavily biased and slanted writing — hardly the paragon of unbiased journalism — but if you can filter out the rhetoric, there are some pretty scary things about Ashcroft.
I think GoogleWhack could entertain me for hours.
Where’s the plane?
Y’know, I was pretty curious about this when the photographs of the Pentagon’s 9/11 attack started hitting the media. Considering that a Boeing 757 slammed into the side of the building…there just didn’t seem to be much in the way of airplane debris around there. It’s good to know I wasn’t the only one to notice this.
Under God?
Certainly, faith in God has often been linked to patriotism in the US through the pledge of allegiance, which contains the words “I pledge allegiance to the flag…one nation under God.” But God is, in fact, a relative newcomer to the pledge and was only included in it because of a right-wing religious lobby’s efforts during the McCarthyite era.
Terror Widows
Another political cartoon is causing an uproar — there’s an excellent editorial here examining the cartoon in question and the motivations behind it.
A prayer for America
A Prayer for America, by US Rep Dennis Kucinich.
War riddles
10 questions the media can’t answer. But then, maybe there just isn’t a point in answering the first question anymore, if “a top US military official this week stated that finding [Osama bin Laden] is not even one of the top priorities of the U.S. war on terrorism“.
What’s a ‘blog’?
Dad’s asked me in the past what a weblog is. Rebecca does a much better job explaining it than I ever could.
Scientology vs. Google
More interesting Googlebomb bits: apparently the Church of Scientology figured out how to use it to their advantage. Some bloggers are working on combating this.
Googlebombing bad?
An interesting commentary on the flipside to Googlebombing (in response to these articles).